The Curve 8520’s launch was celebrated on a XBerry Party which happened on:
Date : 10 October 2009
Time : 8pm
Venue : The Republic, Sunway
Highlights: Performances from Joe Flizzow, Arabyrd, Lapsap (Xu) and Twilight Action Girl
Many thanks to Erin and Celcom Xpax team who invited me for the press conference and the night itself 😀
People were queueing up to obtain their reservations of the Blackberry Curve 8520 at the price of RM888!
Meanwhile, we were in the VVIP room arranging for interviews with the artists who were performing that night. Seen here are @Icallitart, Shawn Lee the human Beatbox and Amirul.
The stage was all ready, filled with pictures and major XPax branding.
The DJ set to be on fire!
The artists photoshoot session. Can you name all of them?
LOVE THIS SHOT! I think my camera is damn hawt haha! All taken via the Panasonic Lumix G1 🙂
Shawn Lee so cute.
Performing in front of a large audience, awesome!
Guess who’s around! Joe Flizzow in da house! 😀
Zoe who first introduce Shawn Lee to me ages ago 😉
Serge, Tziaaa and someone i not sure.. >.<
Shawn Lee the upcoming beatboxer doing his thang.
Sazzy Falak the host..
DJ Xu from Lapsap
Arabyrd spicing up the stage 😉
Rin so cute.
The gorgeous bloggers were attracting too much attention. They both got their blackberries, see Cindy’s here and Rin’s here.
Me? No money, stick to my trusty iPhone 2G haha.
Jestina baby :D. With YapThomas the problogger. bleh.
I wasn’t aware of it but it was thanks to David, one of the newest Nuffnang guys who gave me this super cool Nutty t-shirt. Thanks bro, and thanks for the invite at MOS after that 😀
On a last note, I thought it was a shame that the offer only lasted that night, which is only exclusive to what I feel to be a certain network of bloggers. It should have been more widely marketed but I’m guessing it’s not XPax’s main objective. However I must admit that it’s the most hassle free BB plan ever, it’s just too bad I’m saving for the iPhone 3GS later before buying the Blackberry Storm (I prefer touch screen :P)

great event! XD
maybe a leetle boring due to less crowd though..
but the free flows was a plus. haha! too bad i had too leave due to transportation probs..
.-= Dylan´s last blog ..More Sexy Playboy Bunnies =-.
well that’s true, and all the free makan too 😛
got invited but due to some emergency cases, I did not go.. feel so upset about it..>.<
.-= Jean´s last blog ..The Bobbi Brown Foundation Event 免费底妆咨询+样本 =-.
owwwh don’t worry, i’m sure there’s a next time! 😀
wahahha problogger! WTF.. Overrated lah bro..
and.. i can get the blackberry for RM488 with postpaid plan 😉
.-= yapthomas´s last blog ..Words Creativity… =-.
ya la you problogger that’s why 😛
that someone not sure is ler
You’re always for iPhone one lah lol.
.-= Simon Seow´s last blog ..Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards, Here I Come =-.
nice event..
i’ve never been to such events.. haha.. =)
.-= kenwooi´s last blog ..Project Alpha: VS =-.