A quick summary since this month ::
1. Applied for job as Cleaner in Beit Hall Hotel (3 star), got intervied and secured the job.
Payment:: 4.50 GBP an hour + free accomodation! Hours worked up to now:: 19 hours.
VAC Cleaner Job’s payroll is every week on Friday.
2. Applied for Hard Ship Fund. Secured Hard Ship Fund after further persuassion. 675..00 was debited
into my account just today. Ooooh the excitement!
3. Easter study plan working quite well. On Monday spent 5 hours catching up on M1P2. Hopefully
will understand how to do tutorials tomorrow.
4. Watched Passion Of Christ and Starsky & Hutch this week. Both were superb, but The
Passion Of Christ was a definite mover. Most recommended, a must watch by all!! Can’t even begin to
describe how I felt while I was watching it…
5. Encik Mazlan came and gave loads of foodstuff as well as a haircut. Even offered a great
massage service but I politely declined, as I really wanted to get my hands on my new Gameboy Advance games!
6. Gameboy Advance are currently my sources of games. I’m currently on Mario & Luigi Superstars but
doesn’t look as if I can finish it in time hehe… Also reading Terry Brook’s novels to occupy my free time!
7. Will try to find accomodation so that I don’t have to worry about it + confirming a flight back to Malaysia
on the 29th of June.
8. Elected as Communication Secretary in Imperial College Union Malaysian Society (ICUMS).
9. Elected as Web Administrator for the AnimeSoc (Anime Society) in Imperial College London.
10. Graduated in Japanese Culture Class and recieved Graduation Slip with my name in Kanji.
11. Won several competitions in Lion Dance, and had sooo much fun with it too. Thank you Tzern Tzuin!
Can’t think of anything else (though I think there’s soo much more to tell, but I guess I’ll be boring you guys with my life haha). My regards go to Julian Soon for his information on “Financial Matters” and also to Johan Nystrom who has supported me throughout both my Academic Life & Social Life. Wen Yan Gao (Goldman) as well who has taught me the “Way Of Life” in London. Not forgetting dear Iylia who’s my favourite hall buddy whom I lurvve to kacau (she’s the girl in da pic on the right, if you look closely enough). My Lake parents too, for their support (on everything!) Wei Cher for his support on serious matters. Both Uncle Keiron & Uncle Mazlan for ALL their help (you know what I mean :p). And lastly, not forgetting Serena, for her ever-supporting love (thanks for your testimony dear).

Beit Hall….lol…I remember the days….
.-= The Envoy´s last blog ..Dīvali =-.