Exams are coming, and yet I can’t seem to get my priorities right!! :'(
Oh well, the days goes on, and counting. Time table of my exams are as below:-
Title Date Time Duration Room
MC125: Programming (JMC) 27-Apr 10:00 am 120 Huxley 341
MC140: Logic (JMC) 29-Apr 2:30 pm 90 Huxley 344/3/2/1
MC110: Architecture 4-May 2:30 pm 90 Huxley 308
MC141: Reasoning about Programs 14-May 10:00 am 90 Huxley 344/3/2/1
M1GLA: 10-May am
MC1MF: 11-May am
M1P2: 12-May am
M1P1: 13-May am

I refute it thus.