…. Didn’t look too good :'(
I am panicking, but it’s no time to panic. Heck, all I want now is to just pass, so that I can start over again next year in my Second Year… Is that too high a request?~!!?!?
Damn… Aaanyways, in an unrelated story, I finally found and secured a superb accomodation. Pics will be up, and I have done all the research I can on it too. One things for sure: it’s 15 minutes maximum walk from this house to the school. And another surprising thing is that: it’s situated riiiiight in front of Harrods!!!
Also, I cooked fish meat for the first time today. Some kind of fish called “Plaice” and you know what? I’ll rather stick to Pomphret anytime, anyday. (it was just for 90p for 3 slices, good deal though ^^)
See you again, after my next paper, Logic, if I manage to live through it, that is.. 🙁

I think that in no country in the civilized world is less attention paid to philosophy than in the United States. The Americans have no philosophical school of their own, and they care but little for all the schools into which Europe is divided, the very names of which are scarcely known to them. by texas holdem