Okay, I’m officially starting the *true* exam as how my Swede friend, Johannp, deems it to be. (Notice when I said “my Swede friend” it really sounds like “my sweet friend”…. when obviously it’s not! *forgive my pun*).
Don’t bother checking back in these 5 days, I’m most likely to be out of order. That is, if you DO check this site frequently :p
To date, I have already 270 unique hits, and I can see most of them came from UK and Malaysia, my supporters *awww*
You can check this out by clicking on the link above that states “Spinzer’s Stats”.
By the way, the counts do not include me as well as by refreshing the pages, try it to find out!
Just wanna shout out to my princess Salha and dear friend Him as they have stuck by me through these years, though we’re so far apart.. Thank you so much guys.
P.s- before I leave you hanging, let me recommend reading Amar’s and Johan’s BloG site on your left… they seem to have interesting things up!