Hlleo eevbrodyy! Tadoy I came aocrss an iertnntiesg ieda. I am pettry sure you have cmoe arcsos a rreecsah sitntag taht as lnog as you keep the oedrr of the fisrt and last lteter in the wrod you will slitl be albe to read the sentncee, and the rsaeon bineg that you atculaly read the word as a wlohe, and not lteetr by letetr!!
Tihs is a ponurofd decrsiovy!! Don’t you find it isitennetrg? Do you? And jsut to povre my point, I have used a sicrmanblg tool to samcrble tihs psot… whcih poervs anthoer toehry that as the lentgh of the wrod iranesces, the pnoit taht I am tnyirg to porve fails eaontlxpneliy too!
With this, you culod say our bnairs cloud be wnorikg in pealrall to each ohter if tehy can aaclltuy do this in riately, but we shall wiat for fuetrhr ciintmoafron, won’t we? Mroe uadetps to come in the fturue 😉