Just got back from Nottingham Games, though I’m staying over at my friend’s place, known as a certain Keat Kuang. Well, it wasn’t as good as last year in terms of the “exhiliratingness”, so I can possibly see the reason that second years and above avoid going for the event if they’re not involved in any games…
I wonder if I did the right thing. Well, the very fact I’m hear is all due to Keat Kuang anyways… He even signed me up as a table tennis player for Nottingham University besides the fact that I’m an Imperial student!!
Thanks Keat… But I did feel lonely in Nottingham Games.. things just aren’t the same anymore I guess. Sigh… Well I’m off for now then.. This might be the first actual diary-cum-post that I’ve ever posted hehe.. Will add in pictures in time 🙂

Whenever kingship approaches tyranny it is near its end, for by this it becomes ripe for division. by texas holdem