One of my many goals this year was to watch a Premier Game live in a stadium, and it’s finally coming true! This Friday, 7pm game.. can anybody guess what game it’ll be? Can’t wait! *grins* Incidently, I thought this whole...
Archive - April 2006
Benji the Dog It’s the thing you miss most back home that can put a smile on your face… Well, and other things I miss as well lar
Today I experienced an episode of one of Aesop’s famed fables, entitled “The Woodsman and the Three Axes”. The story goes like this…. There was once a poor, but honest Woodsman who lived with his family in a forest. He...
You know, the music from Ball Toucher is getting more & more irritating everytime I visit this place. How do I turn the music off by default?! GRrrrr… >_< (and no, Ball Toucher does NOT mean you touch them in pairs!!! Tsk tsk Mr. L...