1.Are u photogenic?
– … no? *blushes*
2.What time do you go to bed?
– If I’m discipline enough, 1am-ish? Otherwise it’s mostly around 4-5am ๐
3. What was the last thing u did before this?
– Done with UKEC‘s Projek Amanat Negara which I must say is the best event of the year!
4. Who do you call if you need help?
– Myself. I am my own DIY man haha
5. What’s on your mind right now?
– Thinking of how to cram 7 modules in 2 weeks….
6. With whom do you wanna be with?
– If my books were alive, it would be them I’d be seeing for these 2 weeks ๐
7. What movie do u wanna watch now?
– Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, cause I heard it sucks ๐
8. When was the last time you went out?
– Today, at the Malaysian Students Department for PAN!
9. What do you hate the most for now?
– I try to unhate everything ๐ Love is gooood!
10. What do you do everyday besides eat & sleep?
– Everything under the sun you could think of!
11. Colors that make you happy?
– Strong colours that shine!
12. Most fave thing in your house?
– My computers and my Lumix! ๐
13. Miss someone?
– Benji my doggie ๐
14. Plan to buy something?
– A keyboard. I wanna play music at home ๐
15. Are you satisfied with your life now?
– Everyday I will be satisfied, but just thinking about tomorrow keeps me hungry for more experience!
16. Do you like seafood?
17. Breakfast or dinner?
– Dinner man, most definitely
18. Like chocolates?
– Yucks! I only take them if I wanna feel “muak” so that I won’t feel hungry anymore hehe
19. Favorite fruits?
– Soft, sticky and sweet fruits like mango, persimmons and the likes
20. What’s your favorite fast food?
– I suppose it’s Burger King, for their fries hehe
21. Cats or dogs?
– Definitely dogs, although I have a cat and a dog at home
22. Salty or sweet?
– Sweet
23. City or country?
– Country!
24. Is kissing normal for your age?
– I’m 23, I’m sure it’s fused into a 23 year old’s everyday life ๐
25. Are you athletic?
– I’d love to think I am! Hockey days are over, but still playing footie and table tennis
26. Favorite band/singer for now?
– I’m a GENRE kind of person, and I LOVE anything JIWANG and DUETS!
27. Do you have your own cell phone?
– Yes…. erm…. Duh? My house is spoilt, my 9 year old sis even messages me from Malaysia complaining that she don’t have new phone cause Mom is passing her phone down to her =.=;
28. What do you wear to bed?
– Something soft and comfortable, or sometimes with nothing? ๐
29. Ever had a crush on a teacher in highschool?
– Doubt it, hard to get crushes on them la
30. Coke or pepsi?
– Don’t drink carbonated drinks ๐
31. sugar or spice?
– Both, and everything nice!
32. Can you use chopsticks?
– Yes, perfectly ๐
33. Do you care about getting good grades?
– Of course, although it’s just a small step to acheiving my goals in life…
34. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
– I try not to, but my friends tell me that I do all the time =.=;
35. Get a job or ask your parents for money?
– Get a job of course, or apply for Hardship Fund *wink* My father feeds me with RM200 everytime I’m home anyway heh
36. Is your dad strict?
– Talk about the devil, yes he is in some matters, and no in others. He slapped me before 2 years ago, but we mended up straightaway. Cool eh?
37. Do your parents give you enough privacy?
– I’ve always had my privacy haha
38. Do your parents trust you?
– Have always been, I can do whatever I want ๐
39. Do you make friends quickly?
– I think I do, since I have many interest. Quite easy really hehe
40. Do you tell your mom everything?
– We talk about family matters, I’m grooming myself to be the head of the Tock family see… Dynasty Tock!
41. What do you & your parents fight about most?
– Fight? We don’t fight. We have a professional relationship. I as the son, and they as my parents ๐
42. If u love someone & he/she rejected u, what will u do to him/her?
– I don’t know. Never tried haha!
43. Can u sing or rap?
– ouuu yeeaaah! Sang for a lot of things including Commemoration Day!
44. Wut do u think bout this survey?
– I finally succumbed to it cause DY here has been bugging me about it ๐
45. 3 people that you will tag?
– I refuse to tag people! So irritating!!! hahahha… but okay la fine, I tag Charlotte, Alvin and qizhen!

boy! dun lie har boy….
wow! FINALLY!.. hahahaha… so honoured to know that your first tag is from me!! muahahahahahaa!