You know what’s the oddest thing ever about blogging? Just check your stats and you may find about the most random stuff ever, for instance, being linked at unknown (read: utterly unrelated) websites.
Well, it doesn’t help that I did some silly stuff as well, for instance, I once bought this domain name called’t bother clicking, it redirects to this blog address), thinking of starting up some really retarded website to collect shittywitty stuff people say over the years, but I never had the time to continue this mini-project of mine. Maybe I should start now, so do let me know where I can find really witty people who can come up with random sentences powerful enough to induce laughter in a crowd. Wait, maybe I’m asking for too much. Why don’t you volunteer? ๐
At least this way, these people won’t find themselves in my silly ol’ blog without any reference whatsoever to And for my reference (and maybe yours too), it’s the 6th post from the top where they mentioned the site in between their weird arguement about… cars.
Consequently, I never fail to be amazed on how many people visit this site through boss stewie’s and sherve’s blog. The staggering numbers show that in between my hiatus period and now, random people would be clicking on my link on their blog just to 1) either be very pat about popular blogger’s (like boss or sherve’s) friends or 2) generally love me so much they keep coming back for… almost non-existent updates lol. Through my humility, I prefer to think the former is true more often then the latter, but for the sake of my ego, let’s assume that everybody just loves Tock! ๐
Most recently though, are visitors coming over from Pinkpau’s blog. If you noticed, it took just only 3 days before her blog was popping up as my top 20 referrers, and the numbers are by no means a true representation of the total visitors who came from her blog, on just one of her comments on a post no less! So peeps, here’s the moral of the story: comment on Pinkpau’s blog, and you’ll be propelled to some instant fame in the blogging field =P


chris why do u encourage ppl to use me for hits ๐
pinkpau: hehe solly solly, I was just poking fun at the system ler… anyhoo what i say wouldn’t make a diff cos no one really visits here ๐
come i make a statement of apology:
The Moral of This Story is WRONG!
there ๐
good culinary skills? ๐
like the pic. you can almost taste it. haha ๐
oink goes greeen ๐ฎ
i rarely check my stats – in fact one of the plugins is malfunctioning and i’m too lazy to fix it. >_>
your other pics damn chun la (you showed me before that day too anyway). must learn from sifu wtf.
[…] was sometime ago when I posted about this dish I made, asking what it takes to make it, right here. It’s funny how the idea transpired: I was with this friend of mine, Alvin Yap from my Uni, […]