You know… I’m damn pissed. I had a really good entry going on here. And Firefox decided to shut down on me halfway, just to come back here and find my draft half gone. WTH?!?! Arrghh!!
Anyway, the gist of it at la, don’t care about my perfect review edi, is that I was invited for Taiz’s sister’s wedding dinner. And I was joking la, on how I congratulated them first for getting married, and second for giving me the opportunity to have a feast on their grand wedding dinner yada yada ughh..
Bah, just look at the dishes la. Damn lazy to desribe edi >(
Now THIS was definitely a favourite in my list! The Wok Fried Prawn in Salted Egg Yolk with Roasted Pine Nuts tasted so divine that I was tempted to eat it whole including its head! Needless to say I totally sucked out the brains

make me hungry only =.=
Wah, damn atas man, wedding dinner in Westin.
so lazy you… i wanna see full review!!! heh.
Eh… nice right the cute chocolates in the box? Are they the ones with teddy bears in wedding attires still?
U’re not supposed to use KNIFE! only chopsticks allowed!
so mah huan
better let me see the picture.
if not i send the world the picture i have of you 😉
so atas. wanna bring me there some day ah? hahahahahhaha.
When we get married, we’re eating here.
elm: hungry then go eat something la! or cook something! oh wait, i take that back 😛 hehe
Simon: i know right… why some ppl so lucky!!
blah: i’m not lazy, blame my lousy internet!! ugh was so nice okay my description!
ser: no la where got, next time ur wedding dinner make sure got okay 😛
KY: where you learn from one!!!
suan: caaaanooooooooot!!!
carol: if you’ll pay i’ll gladly do so 😛
Oli: IS THAT A PROPOSALLLL!!! I’m sooo touched!!!
nice photos you have there.. unfortunately, the bride’s brother is a piece of SHIT.
nice photos you have there.. unfortunately, the bride’s brother is damn UGLY.
ure telling me 🙁