especially when you’re down, ya know. Have always found consolation through singing, belting your heart out, giving 100% of your emotions through the vocal chords. What to do la, at times emo, other times suffer a little bit of PMS, gotta take it all down and try be happy ya?
It’s the best cure lo. Especially with friends who’ll either 1) bear with your horrendous rendition of soppy love songs or 2) listens to your beautiful crooning and tear alongside you as emotions wash over them. I prefer to think my friends as the latter batch, thank you very much! Come I show you some of them:
Mr. Chong Chin Fah, Hau Wan King and myself, the crooners!
Mr. Chong is like, my real senior, my guru. Although he thinks I’m unrescueable, he continues to nurture me into somebody like him which I wouldn’t mind; he’s exactly one person I might want to become! Btw, he (and Hong la ok lol) helped me out when my car needed a jump start, even went ahead and spent me dinner in an authentic Japanese restaurant while waiting for the guys at AAM to come! That’s a hell lot of effort and time for a small fry like me!
So yeah these are some of my colleagues. For the girls: Hong is my other super senior sitting beside me, while Celeste has just left us for another company, though her heart we will keep 😛
During one of our Chill-Out Friday sessions, I was responsible to set up the Karaoke system… WITHIN THE BOARD ROOM OK!! This is my pride, and my ticket to fame within the company lol
The big man here is my BIG BOSS lol. Head of Retails! He hired me during my second interview, in which he spent 40 minutes explaining what he wanted, and gave me 20 minutes to tell him what I can do to offer into this project of his. Needless to say, I started work the Monday next 😉 He’s one major crooner, would love to sing with him again, after working hours of course!
Next is Emily’s birthday, where we celebrated at the posh Red Box Plus, situated at Pavillion that happens to be sort of my backyard ;). The place is sooooo amazing I wouldn’t mind coming back again and again, provided I can pay the price for it!
Isn’t it such a beauty!!
Fara Khair, Steph, Wen Tao, Ju Ni, cute Emily, Nelson and Redha having fun! Damn nostalgic man, we’re all from the same college days 🙂
The ambiance is so warm and beautiful (see pic!), complete with plush sofas, quiet areas within the room to talk, wherelse the rest of the huge room is dedicated to estatic singing, where you can belt out to a fantastic selection of songs. What else can I say?
Somebody bring here again, pretty please? Am in need of it now. Sigh.

why there’s a breast icon after every pix one? Aww… poor boy! Next time we go karaoke, okay? NOT!!! I JUST REMEMBER THE LAUNDRY CASE!!!! *pfft*
sorry bro, I lost my voice this month. Next month I bring you.