Yeap you heard that right! The dates are as below:
- Departing from Kuala Lumpur: 1.00am, 7th June 2008
- Departing from London: 8.30pm, 11th June 2008
My leftovers…
This is purely just for packing up my leftover stuff from London, meeting friends and eating all the great food before I go back, not for good, but at least for a few months la yea? haha… Christmas in London still sounds great to me 😉
I doubt I’ll need to wear any of these since it’s supposedly quite hot right now
Sigh… Understatement of the year. Sorry this sentence won’t make sense at all, nay, none of this post won’t make any sense at all. bleh. 🙁

Can i visit? 🙂
pack me in your suitcase! then it will really be christmas in london 😀
ok la actually there’s christmas whereever i go ahaha okok i stop now. dun hit me 🙁
i wanna go to london too!
hey there! thanks for visiting my blog for the song(s) i chose, thanks for your support!
havent heard from you for a while now, hope all is well. and i know, london’s just so very miss-able right! hehe =P
I want the LCD!!!!
well if hot.. sunglasses will be useful.. haw haw haw. oh btw, it’s not that hot. it’s like damn freaking cold. and also, i’ll be around. so you come see me.
Sammy: i go 4 days only, visit what! lol… hopefully i’ll get to go there for longer holidays next time 🙂
christmas: lol very funnyyyyyy!!!
clem: clem come u do ur backpacking thingie in london hahah i’d love to see that happening 😛
but first u gotta wait for airasiax la haha
xyz: i dunno u have the best chinese songs! have been playing it over n over again past few days 🙂
KY: i bring back then see whether i still want it or not if not give u haha
suan: yes ur humble servant obeys =.=
i’ll have the macbook pro thanks 🙂
oh wait it’s a powerbook i just noticed. okay nvm then i’ll have the lamp. hahaha.
Have a nice trip! Seems so long ago when u were still there and not in Msia. But anyway, go get ’em. I know you’ll do great wherever you are. 🙂
you will be surprised.
weather in uk up to 2 weeks ago was fine and dandy with nice spring/summer sunshine warmth.
and for the first time since september i felt warmth!…. with people sunbathing all.
until last week when the weather had a 180 degrees change and temperature dipped to a single digit.
so i suggest you bring something along to keep you warm unless you can brace the cold… the sun deceives and i assume you already know that from your years spent here 🙂
carol: u can’t have anything bwahhaa
crysV: tankiu tankiu so much 🙂
pegsywegsy: really? oh dear… haha well I guess I don’t mind the cold then, get to experience outdoor air conditioning again 😉
oh btw i think i should be able to fend the cold away.. with my extra insulator-skin gained from eating too much for the last 3 months 😛
ahahaha. no help lar extra insulator skin all.
i also have those extra layers. useless one. i still shiver inside out 🙁
maybe duck rice will help ;P
man i want to eat duck rice also!
hahah duck rice WILL help!! I can’t waiiiit to have my Four Seasons, however crappy it has become, it’s still nostalgic 😀
why you liddat always bully me wan! lamp also cannot. too much 🙁
So many laptop, I want one. Sell cheap cheap to me la.
eating all the great food????
bro..great food in Msia. Here got wat?
4 days also wanna come. U contributed to the petrol price la. hehehe
carol: hehe cause i’m already bringing you out when u get back!!
simon seow: cannot, i want all of them too, and more hahahha
angchoonseong: wut’s mr hensem doing in my blog!! no la… great food in London also, i really miss it 🙂 hahahaha.. have to lo, pack things to go back edi. next time i come back, it’s for holiday! but wait la i get enough money to buy apartment in Strand first 😛
that’s actually a pity cos while u;re in London, CL will be here in HK! Have some 4 seasons duck on my behalf Tocky!
wtf. you fly here, i fly there. you better be back in Christmas you wanker. Or in KL when i go back end Aug/Sept, maybe. it’s been raining a lot, warm but no sun. just your average british summer. have fun in london!
Charly and CL woot!! So wierd la our timing! maklum la Mr CL, we were never meant for each other, I’m so sorry 🙁 Nevermind, I’ve been having secret rendezvous with your ex-housemate instead 😉
I’ll definitely be in KL in those dates, so we’ll meet up okay! Got sooo many things to talk to you about, and you know you want to hear it, no? hohoho…
Finally, Charly, yes a whole duck to your honour, and CL, weather’s the last of my concern since I’ll be either packing OR meeting people in restaurants I want to eat at! 😀