I’m such a great photographer mwahahahhaa!!
Event: Labour Day Trip to Pahang! (coming soon to a blog near you)
A sneak peak at KY doing a “Zen”
Ky the perv with Sam, yet another perv 😛
Go to her blog if you want to read her version of our trip! (18sx!!)
Dree being an amazing person he is lol. POLLUTION!
Probably the bestest shot evah! Welcome ShaolinTiger and his lil’ bro 😉
What’s the difference between me and the bear hmm? Tell me 😛
Okay, until my next REAL post on the trip, the God ST says “Fuddofff!!!!”

yeay my pic is so cool!
Chocolate Starfish… Saja wanna kacau! 🙂
BTW Why does your blog avatar look like you’re sucking a big black cock?
shoooooooo!! yeeeesh, ST, that’s ooooold new la. I’ve got enough comments on that picture in facebook more than the number of balls you have!
[…] ST, Kim, Rachel, Kerol, and of course, yours truly. For the other reports, check the posts here, here, and […]
[…] bumped into us there lolol. What are the odds la hor, especially after the bunch of us went to Chamang Waterfalls, which I have yet to finish blogging […]