I’ve been an Iron Man before, during one of my OBS Hiking sessions. I’ve been dubbed a Stallion before, for reasons that I will not reveal here π I’ve always been associated with a Rat for being able to eat everything under the sun. God knows I’ve been called a Pig countless of times by her.
thank you maxis!
But never have I been called the King of the Jungle, and in a freaking COW SUIT too, no less! Never, at least until last Saturday at Nuffnang’s Wild ‘Live’ Blogging Party. Notice that the event name itself is a pun. Wait, then again the title to this post is an even greater pun! Sigh why am I so punny. Ok la Nuffnang also very punny lol.
why hello my dearest pussy cat, the cow is your King π
So what’s the benefit of being the King of the Jungle, other than having a lioness as my Queen that seems to be “hungry” for me (in more ways than one from the looks of it)?Β Well, whatever it is, it’s definitely worth at least RM4-5k! I kid you not, but there would be more on that later π
ooh behaaaaave!
On second thought, is the King of Jungle allowed to have a few lionesses as his queens? Cause if it is, I’d like to introduce to you my second Queen to you, Cheesie the Lioness. What’s with me and lionesses anyway?! I’m supposed to be a part of our Cow & Chicken team! If only my Chicken was a girl eh? π
spinzer: coooooow?Β Β Β Β Β Β JB: chiiiiickeeeeeeen?!?!?!!?
Oh and look who I met in the party?
Winnie the Pooh’s head got dislocated lol
My Bali travelmates! Read about our bali trip here:
cheesie, josh the man and me
I know there are a lot of people to say thanks to, so if you could leave a comment saying you voted for me I’ll try and see what I can do for you. But for now I’m definitely grateful to Joshua Ong for the mass votes he collected from his friends for me!
waaah too many to name, but tiam, i help you win this prize on ur behalf la since u can’t win it eh? lolol
and of course, all of these wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for everyone in the team from Nuffnang, and exclusively of course, Robb the Porcupine!! I love you Robb! π
*all photos are credited to ShaolinPhoto.com and Nigel Sia unless stated otherwise

why you stole my laptop!!!1
i still think that the light behind u damn nice wehhh
Hey I gave you many votes too! For the king of jungle, all my votes were to you bag… u better remember that! else…. I’LL KILL YOU!!! Hahaha…
Yah share the laptop with all your supporter wei.
did I hear share the laptop??? Woih, I am ur supporter also weih… XD
Nice tits
teehee~~ .. congrats π
Pull the udder leg, Chris.
Why you never mention me? I gave you two votes you know.
KY: who ask you never come!
joshuaongys: ya me too! thanks to Nigel π
Rachel: I remember laaa! thank you! haha
ST: shall I cut it to pieces then?!
Ping Ping: wahrao jump on the boat isit! thanks, i’m proud of it too π
steph k: thank yee miss butterfly!
B.H.: omg nice one HAHAHA! Man that was really funny lol. I’ve only got one “udder leg” now π
Simon Seow: two votes nothing compared to what Josh and Ringo got for me wahaha!
okay i just skimmed through the post… but looks like someone’s cream of the crop!
and yea, cashcow should share the beef. i’m sure that’ll be moosic to our ears π
HAHAHHAA YOU IDIOT you really traumatized me that night! With the unknown object .. in your udders.. T___T
SPILL! What was it! π
Boo hoo I couldn’t go if not I would have gone all out to win π Congrats, and very brave choice of outfit!
christmas: i MAKE the cream wahaha π yes u want moosic i just GAVE u moosic lolol
hui wen: HARO! why u traumatized! i’m a harmless cow with many titties tee hee… wah but damn funny la ur reaction when it’s no longer there haha!!
The Faux Fashionista: yea la why didn’t you come! you’d go against pinkpau, suetli and our lionesses tho hehe… thanks, brave meh? I just tot it was kinkeh π
my beloved brother, u made our clan vely proud of u ….. the cow reigns!!!!
congrats dear king of the jungle. now Moooo people!! lol
johnny ong: thank you o leader of the clan! the cow reigns indeed, let’s shout our warcry!
Ren: thanks Ren!
Ohkulala: join the Moo clan and you’ll get one glass of fresh milk FREE everyday!
Quite dodgy la that free gift HAHA why am i laughing at my own bad joke wtf
lol…u ad have everything and now u win something more… haha..should donate it to the poor like me π anyway, congrats on your win! π
Congrats π
kyliemc: wait till they see the number of laptops i have haha. am gonna post about it soon π ur not poor la, just too busy for me!
ahlost: sankyouu!! wish u were around also π
I think a lot of people will try to beefriend you now you’re famous…
Hey~ thanks for dropping by!! oh London is so much better than the places ive been!! except for Vegas maybe π
take care!!
Gratz on winning the laptop~~~
I tot i suppose to be a Lion… uhuhuh..
how could u degraded me into a teeny weeny pussy cat..
u just hafta make me into a smaller bein eh??
Cows and their ego.. tsk tsk..
no matter what i still think pig is so you, cow is so not you. The ultimate name for you is being called a pig π
I wasn’t at the party to join in all the fun, but i sure wish i was there! Great blog you have here. =) Btw, congratz on winning the grand prize! ^^ Oh, and you know what? I actually like your cute cow ears better than the udders! O_o Can i pull them? >.<
waaaah so many comments. π
Oli: nobody la. I’m not a pretty female, and i no longer have my udders to attract people hehe. nvm i’ve got you enough π
yen: no probbie!
Queer Ranter: thank you! you were hot as well π
Jolyn the Lioness: HAHHAAH i had to laugh so much when I read your comment! no la i did call u a lioness ma π just trying to play play brave scared u eat me up π
michy: yes la i know laaaaa
Laura: thank you! yes u may pull my cute cow ears, but since they’re no longer there u can pull anything else u want la π
But I forgot to tell you this, I should add on now, that dont support privacy because Moo is a name I gave for my friend and only him, nobody else ok, and plus, you are an ultimate female pig ok, dont forget ya ULTIMATE FEMALE PIG. You are a female, you told me the other day!! Dont deny in front of everyone now alright, or else they are so not gonna believe you anymore