This is what happens
if I simply
touch things i shouldn’t be touching!
It grew me a pair of sexy mama udders!
Moral of the story: becareful when you decide to touch the titties of random magical goddess statues, you’ll never know it would turn you into some sexy cow! 😉
This is a community message brought to you by Nuffnang Wild ‘Live’ Blogging, coming soon to a freak fest near you <3
Incidently, here’s a video of beautiful squirrels who aren’t afraid of people, and even climbed me up to have a sniff of my delicious duck rice which i happen to bungkus that day.
And here’s what the ducks look like:
Before they get turned into this:
I know, so wrong, right? lol. Squirrels love it, what about you?
I think I lost my apetite 😛

*LOL* at the first pic !!!
and OMG !! I don’t think the 3rd pic looks delicious after I look at the 2nd pic T___T
I want that roast duck!!!! (never mind that they aren’t even ducks)
ape-tite is that a pun?! & the udders suit you; you should so wear those to the party.
eh choosing to look like a retard high on drugs is way better than steven lim 😀
ahlost: hahahhaa yea funny hor! i know, i also lost my apetite when I reread my post lol
KY: why are they not ducks!?
christmas: I AM 😀 eh why la not hensem isit 😛
Are you coming as Donald Tock? :p
[…] exclusive media invites (Black Eyed Peas Media Con invitation FTW) and crazy ass events where I even won a DELL XPS laptop for myself just by wearing a cow suit grow and grow, and it just won’t stop! So who says being a blogger is uncool, […]