In. 1. Go.
Sounds impossible?
Well, I’ll be taking the challenge. Yes, fat old me. 100 Push Ups.
Believe me when I say, I will do it. This blog will be my testimony. You, my readers, will hold witness to the grandest feat ever performed in the whole universe. All 72kg of me, that is 😉
Decided to skip rest days and do all Day 1, 2 and 3 in a row. Which means 2 weeks worth in a span of one week. Should be fine since my initial test (without warm up) went up to 24 lor 🙂
Hey. I think ShadowFox don’t like you.
You are SEVENTY-TWO kg?
Wah, you don’t look so heavy lar wtf!
yea i also shocked you are seventy-two kg… only..
wah i got two different kind of response, interesting, interesting!!
haha watch out la the both of you, when I’m done with my 100 pushup challenge, I’ll be so built that you won’t want to mess with me >)
I just did day two of week two. When will you stop talking the walk and getting down to work?
Good Luck
72kg? Now put the other foot on the scales…
Wah.. You’re lighter than my bf 😀
jacob: you’re right jacob, I should just stop walking or talking, and do PUSH UPS instead 😉
Good luck to you too!
Oli: Oli you can go fudoooffff!! haha so when are we sharing a bed together hmm?
ahlost: REALLY!! yeay a compliment lolol