I was afraid that my first 24th birthday in Malaysia after 4 years would be a dismal one, filled with lots of self-reflection instead of my usual crazy nights after nights of birthday celebrations in London back in those days. Man, those days were filled with lots of drinking, surprises, house after house visits and lotsa lunches and dinners… something I always look forward to when I’m not playing games being an introvert at home, like right now π (I’m playing Suikoden V, which explains why you hardly see me online nowadays lol)
Well, this time wasn’t an exception much to my great surprise π Keat Kuang, the man behind the scenes thought that it would be great to throw a Tock party filled with random people and friends from across all groups, enough to fill up the club at Bar Club, along Heritage Row. Unfortunately he didn’t reach the target, I think he thought too highly of me already lol. In fact, one random friend blogged about it saying that he found out that almost 80% of the people who came didn’t even know who I was lol!! I’m not going to post his link here cause it contains a very, very bad shot of me doing things I shouldn’t be doing (No Alex, no!)
These two darlings were my driver for the day… They were so awesome, cause they didn’t actually need to stay thoughout the party but they did anyway! Mainly cause they’re scared no one else can take me home lol… But I appreciate them so much! Those are the two girls on my right, Kylie and Michy. Hong Lee has always been there for me, and when I saw her come (one of the earliest) I was soooo elated! Yes, she’s the hottie with me π Sigh, i love these girls π
Well taking a look at the first picture in this post, that, my friends, was a Cannon, large enough to kill a donkey, nay, a whale! Apart from that there were 11 other bottles of whisky, vodka and others placed at every table there meant for the guest list. What can I say? The bloody party itself costed a whopping RM7,000!! Yeah, the whole point was to get me drink and for them to enjoy themselves thoroughly lol, which I wish they did π The picture above is a result of a few drinks around the bars ok… One glass per table, and there was about 5 tables nearby my VIP area already!!
Some friends couldn’t make it due to unforeseen circumstances, but since they told me beforehand it was awesome. Some, however, were friends I haven’t seen for the longest time! Here’s Qi Zhen giving me a toast for a great 24th year ahead of me π But until now missing in action pulak… Typical Qi Zhen π
Others who made it include Ewe Tiam whom most of you commonly know as Boss Stewie aka Timothy Tiah (thanks bro, for coming all the way from Subang from another party!), Keat Kuang who of course is the mastermind… until now I don’t know how to face him for all he’s done for me lol (i haven’t called him since that day until now T__T), Azlan Shah the gatherer of our College friends and Zul, the ever fantastic DJer who mixes the right music for me!
Oh and I was holding the brownie cake that Azlan made for me! Not often you get something baked for you by a male, no less. Love you honey π
I started feeling pretty hit by the alcohol soon enough lol, as you can see here haha.. Vincent’s messing with me along with Azlan, and I doubt I could remember much after that, cause the next few pictures are taken without me realising what was going on haha! But I wasn’t out yet though, takes more than that to kill me π
Here’s my chocolate brownie cake which I remembered scooping with my bare hands to give my poor friends… I wonder if they ate it π
Aziz Ayman came as well! It’s been a long time since I last saw him, and even then we were at his house in London playing the Wii… Awesome times!
Zul, my emo soul. My lightsaber. My music healer. He’s the damn good Trance DJ that I know (I know personally la, cannot compare with DJ Tiesto and the likes lol)
Thanks for coming bro. Thanks a lot π
At this point I think I puked haha! That’s why I’m no longer that red anymore, and here are my darlings who’s my pillar of support, who carried me all the way to the car and fetched me home. I’m not gonna explain what happened after that cause it’s embarassing. No Kylie. No Michy. No no no you better not saaay anythingggg!!!
This is when I sobered up a little before starting to drink again. If I can pose, it means I’m fine!
And that’s when Fuad came. No, not came as in, came. Ugh nevermind! But yeah he came, and that’s when all hell breaks lose. This man has never failed to make me drunk EVERY FREAKING TIME, for the past 4 years! I love him man, he’s always there… Times when we hang out at his place, me staying over loads, us playing football, the Wii, simply talking crap, lying on the bed together watching **rn. Man. Thank God he’s around π But then again, thank the devil he killed me again T___T
After a few drinks with him, this is what he did to me.
And it didn’t stop there. I don’t think I need to elaborate on this action. Michy is sooooo evil!! Michy how could you watch without even helping me! I’m being raped for goodness sake!!!
This is me. Dead. I think the next think I knew I was at home already, sleeping like a pig.
I think I embarrassed myself too much. Maybe I should continue the story another time sigh. Oh well, this is one for the memory, and one hell of a memory I do not ever want to forget. Thank you guys, for everything. Thanks to the usual bunch (Wen Tao, Ju Ni, Adrian, Emily, Stef) for coming. Ok except Tao, he got sick… but we did celebrate my bday night together π Thanks Cheng Chun, for making it to the party. Thanks Joshua, for coming though there were compliments, but you still came anyway and I’m damn grateful. Thanks Soon Seng, for even though you were so busy, you still made it to the party bringing in the girls who I don’t even know lol, and left shortly after. Thank you to the countless people who wished me that night, through MSN, SMS, Facebook, my blog, Friendster, Gmail/Gtalk, Plurk, in-my-face ™ and over my drunk body.
And thank you God, for blessing me with such an awesome life. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else but me π You’re awesome!

Belated 24th birthday greetings and wishing u lots of happy birthday celebrations in the years ahead…but maybe not like this one. Good grief! Your poor, poor liver! LOL!! Btw, u said ur ‘first 24th birthday’ – don’t tell me u’re like a woman, every year the same age from now on – 24 years old? Hahahahaha! Were u sober when u wrote this? π
whoa whoa whoa….a deadly drunko
Haha…that’s what happened when you are drunk – getting raped LOL
HAHHAA Female Pig, in fact I didnt intend to say anything but since you tell me not to say anything, I feel like saying something “I’m a good boy today, I never do anything” repeat it π heeheheh I wasn’t evil I was just enjoying that scene of you being raped LOL
wow you were super red like shit!
oh well….hahhaa…i havent even blog bout it…gosh, i was lucky and alert enough to run for my safety when u puked, k? or else i would have to bath with perfumes for a week… seriously, it’s the first time i saw a guy who promised that he would take care of us but he ended up being drunk… haha… u are the first! champion… lol… oh well, there’s a video of u sleeping in the car too if u still remember.. π
anyway, i’m glad that u have enjoyed yourself that night. as for me, i’m smart enough to fill my glass full of coke..haha…
the enjoyment came with a cost
you`re asking for it by linking by blog. Lol. Want me to save your trouble and put out the permalink to that picture instead? lol
suituapui: no i wasn’t! but i may have been a little high thinking about the event again haha! well, i should have rephrased myself: it’s my first birthday in Malaysia for the last 4 years I was in London… and that’s why I was a little afraid what would become of it.
I wasn’t disappointed at all. As I’ve mentioned lol. Have a very good 2009 to you too!
hitomi: yea i know right! i get raped all the time..
michy: stopppppp!
clem: I know right!! hahaha i have good blood flow wtf
alex:NO YOU WON’T DARE NO! lol
Didn’t invite me also. >.<
Compared with this, the Xmas’ Eve party you’re very very sober.
HAHAHAHHAHAHH … dare to do must dare to admit, right? right? π
Happy 24th my friend! It sure looks like a lot of fun. π
BTW, you’re nearly a quarter of a century old. Time to write the will? π
simon seow: haha i didn’t really invite anyone, was scared nobody wanna go π
michy: i don’t dare!
Huai Bin: Thanks dude!! It was fun, though I was still shaken at that time due to relationship-related problems… but even that was conquered!
Write a will, eh? But first, gotta get me a son, innit? π
Oh and HB, please do not be tempted by the contents of this post. Resolutions were meant to be kept hahahahaa!
Haha…don’t so sad La…
GUys nothiNg to lose…won’t preGnant geh!!
Why dont dare … if you’re a man, you will dare to admit it, and if you’re not … then I will accept it as it is lolz
Happy belated birthday!
You guys really had fun…… I wish to have one crazy birthday celebration too
muahhahahhaha…chris!! is that a threat? hmm… π
Hey man, James here – nice meeting you today at the Nokia event π
Hoho! It was an extremely amusing night dude! haha.. all i know is, I barely managed to talk to you before I left.. Looks like I missed out quite a fair bit of fun.. Cheers man!
lolx no wonder lar!!! lolx wtf laaa ehh talking about soon seng… hmmmm i still cant remember the chick he brought.. hmmm
hitomi: guys can be pregnant!! just do correct surgery can d π and anyway i feel pregnant also.. 3 months~
michy: are u trying to ask me to say that i’m a man? i dun need to prove to u π
ichigo: thank you ichigo!!! :Dd
kyliemc: dunno π
friedbeef: thanks for the sharing of knowledge man! you’re really wise in technology, which i like π
Sammy: cute enough for you or not? lol
Soon Seng: yeah u did π
joshua: which one la lol
u r the freakiest buffday boy i ever seen