So, what’s the occasion when you find a large crowd of about 15 all gathering/waiting at a brightly lit van located in some dark, remote space in SS15, Subang?
The Burger Shop that is. The only one of it’s kind, especially cause it’s running on a van instead of the usual Ramli stalls.
They are the Burger / Hot Dog Specialist too, so they claim. Andrew and myself were about to begin our journey in order to find out how special their burgers are, and not just referring to the addition of eggs into the burger (to the uninitiated, that’s what they call “burger special”)
The first thing we were shocked at was the presence of some picture menu for us to survey. Seriously, I think these people mean what they say; they really have brought up the standards of the street burgers business!
Nevertheless the original menu still stays. One glance at the menu screams of “CHEAP!” and so we decided to be adventurous, especially when we overheard other customers asking for orders that are not found in this menu.
Like, Mushroom Ayam Cheese Special, Mushroom Daging Cheese Special and Mushroom Ikan Special (should have ordered double!). Yum.
(Er, the second burger was for Andrew, saved for the Championship happening that very same morning lol)
Don’t know if that burger of his managed to stay uneaten before the match though, looking at his hungry face!
While waiting for our orders to be processed along with 314244435 others, we toured around the van and noticed the large number of patties these guys have. We also wanted to try to Oblong Kambing (something unique to this store as well) but they ran out of it when we arrived (which brings us to our next trip the day after, but that’s another story altogether :P)
Waiting was no problem for us; they had a row of chairs for customers to sit waiting, along with music blasting out from their speakers located at the top the van! Seriously, this is street burger business going the right direction, how enterprising!
(though I’ve yet to figure out the purpose of the green glow below the car, why ah?)
The wait wasn’t long at all! Looking at the 3 people working there, 1 taking orders in speed of light, memorizing all our faces, 1 speed cooking the patties, eggs, mushrooms and others in the shortest time possible yet doing it so perfectly, and the last one deftly preparing the cooked ingredients to form our burgers according to specification so fast that it’s hard to keep up with his hand movements! Can you see the mushroom in the picture above? Truly a specialty to be reckoned about!
By the way, the burger is kept in a styrofoam box for a very, very good reason.
This is because, every burger they serve has been “banjired” by sauces. Or should I say, a plentiful mix of mushroom sauce, bbq sauce, cheese, runny egg (yes they leave the eggs slightly runny!) to form the bestest sauce ever to go with your burger. Just inserting your fingers inside to dig out the burger will create a wonderfully moist experience in each and every one of your fingers 😛
Andrew’s virgin experience with his Mushroom Daging Cheese Special can only be described in pictures.
The Burger Shop proudly displays its number for bookings (017-3555040), and business times (6.00pm to 4.30am) while making sure their customers know that they are off on Sundays. Open since 1997, they have been around for 12 years and looking at their profitable business, I suspect for many years to come as well!
Look for them at SS15, Subang, located in between the market and Berry Passion (shop), shouldn’t be too hard to miss!
Oh, and as a lolcatified additional messasge, just remember while waiting, don’t bully the cats who stray around the area.
Or you just might get pwned. (Andrew to note)
Related posts:
The Burger Shop, SS15 – Foodlah
The Burger Shop, SS15 – Bangsar Babe
Back From Supper with the Burger … – Josm

the burger looks yummy but very messy when eating.. don’t you think so?
jolene’s last blog post..Clearance Sale
hi jolene!
very, very messy! but they give a lot of tissue knowing that… and thank goodness they pack it in a proper burger box, cause if they use the usual paper wrap, sure spill everywhere already.
wow.. I want to try.. but i dunno how to go SS15.. haihz…
u make me so hungry now…
hey it’s very easy! if you know where Asia Cafe is you’re set to go. Actually I can describe how to go if you’re coming from Sunway Pyramid. You want to know?
hahaha we call them burger dadah… damn addictive..
pinky’s last blog post: form
i was from subang la thats why heheh
oh rilly! burger dadah… very apt name for it. instant orgasm man…
when ur single, this is the next best thing to orgasm wtf HAHA!
Omg the mushroom omgomgomg. Tapao for me. 🙁
canoooot must eat piping hot one when the sauce is still steaming hot!
damn. those picture make me hungry lor.
dosz’s last blog post: Learning How to Play Guitar Well Enough to Get Laid
hahahahaha that’s the aim of it lor 😉
Hahaha… I didn’t bully the cat k?? the photos are for illustration purposes only.. LOL =D and the burger!! fantastic weh! LOL =D lets again next week!!
andrew’s last blog post: Celebrity Chef Emmanuel Stroobant @ 7atenine’s New Menu Launch
correct correct i forgot to mention haha! ok settle!
hey the mushrooom daging cheese special burger looks so tasty XD
make me so hungry =P
it doesn’t just ‘look’, it IS tasty! XD
go go eat only, so cheap sure can afford hehe
omg that is so awesome
i definitly HAVE TO try that
ohh and i am so hungry you meanie 🙁
i know what the green glow is
it is the magic 😉
you are SO right! 😀
weii.. i wanna go nx week can?? can join u guys??
Can! Watch out for my facebook for details 🙂
aiyoo.. tht means i got to stay logged on to facebook all the time ahh? my office cannot one u know..;p
We will definitely be going today! Don’t know what time only, most likely supper time though! 😀
T___T Now I’m regret to stop by…….
You made me crave for burger at this hour!!! Humph!! 😛
Jenn’s last blog post: My mom is a cutie pie
Then my objective for this post is done 😉
Go try ok!
Burger Banjir! Cant wait for the next one.. damn nice and addictive! Btw, why called it sexperience? LOL, it was my first time too! XD
Jeffro’s last blog post: Bloggers’ Movie Meeting # 3 with a Big Surprise!
why not? it was an orgasmic experience for me 😛
My gosh!! That looks super good! I’m salivating at the photos! *slurps!!*
don’t ruin your keyboard lol!
hello???!! I is the one who introduce to Andrew..I is no credit in the blog for introduction? I is so sad..
BTW the burgers are awesome but not so awesome on the waistline. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
sue me’s last blog post: Holidays!!!
oooh it was from youuu!! now everybody say THANK YOU SUE ME!! 😀
The burgers looks squishy. Omg, u should try making yourself! But then again it’s so cheap might as well buy :p
Sammy’s last blog post: Rubber stamp
haha it’s not as simple without the proper cooking utensils, right? babe you should try to cook one yourself!
lol..what the…? im gonna be away from burgers for a month. hahahaha
sue me’s last blog post: Absence Makes The Hearts Grow Fonder
[…] sue me: lol..what the…? im gonna be away from burgers for a month. hahahaha […]
hahahaha nice pic there, drew drew!! 😛
wen pink’s last blog post: Day 01- Osaka, Japan
shit, looks damn sinful wei and yummy!:)
u know u want it 😉
[…] Just to recap this was our last outing for the infamous SS15 burger specialist, which you can read about here. […]
[…] the evening as my stomach called out for food, I remembered reading Chris’ entry on a particular burger stall called The Burger Shop that was supposedly spectacular. Jon was around […]
The owner cooking da messy burger is Adi. He’s a real crowd pleaser and is very down-to-earth type, easy to chat abt anything wan.
He’ll recommend u the mushroom burger and he actually wants to set-u shop opp. where the van is. Me, Daniel Cerventus and the ramly expedition crew went there recently.
We had alr ‘V-deo’ it and will soon put it up for all to see the nyom..nyom..nyom..taste. Eh dude, if u come to my area in Subang, blast me a call la! u got my number rite? So cool to have this supper madness!:)
Can I kill you with this post? LOL!
i’m drooling hahhaaha.
Ok. Refer to my twit.
Those picture looks nice and i can’t wait to try this out !!!!