Ah bliss. Where else could I get my body pampered while the stomach awaits for a feast fit for a king? At Eccucino, that is.
The buffet spread has been remodified to fit into one of their theme for that moment, which is Fit for Life. I’m very impressed with their initiative, very unlike most other hotel restaurants I know of.
Besides, you can be reassured on its quality being maintained, ANY TIME and ANY DAY.
A perfect place to bring a date or your family should you be looking for an occasion demanding eye candies without compromising on its taste.
Celebrity Fitness joined the fray with a bout of exercise moves, promoting a fit and healthy lifestyle for foodists like us 😀
These are some of the people who are responsible for the creation of this superb synergy. The lady on the left is Eunice, the doctor responsible of lecturing the chefs on salt content etc etc lol.
It’s all about healthy living, through steaming, use of healthy ingredients among other methods.
I want to eat my screen nao bye bye.
*nom nom nom*
And guess what, I got myself another invitation to Prince Hotel’s other amazing Chinese restaurant-
Vina Carmen Chilean Wine Luncheon at Tai Zi Heen
Stay tuned ;D

How come got massage wan. U look so blissful. Lol!
.-= Sammy´s last blog ..New look for ilikeloofahs.blogspot! =-.
hhahahahha you got massaged? wow!
.-= Big Boys Oven´s last blog ..La Casa Pasta, Pizza, Grill, Dessert – Bandar Manjalala Best =-.