Ah. The Royale Chulan Hotel. Just looking at it’s odd but exquisitely magnificent exterior one would wonder how could a 5 -star hotel mark its spot based on design alone. Fortunately for me, the time in between entering the hotel to...
Archive - August 2009
There was a waiter in a bar, The waiter had a scar, If you want to be a star, It’s all thanks to Ogawa. The gorgeous Scorpios – myHorng . TeyCindy . Chris Tock . 19th, 20th and 21st! Vvens, Simon Seow and Yatz feeding on...
AAAAAAAHHHHHH I POST FIRST THEN WRITE LATER FML I NEED TO SLEEP FYL! Btw meet my Pokenmon. Ok la it’s Poken. 😛 It started off as a Tweetup, something we twitters try to do often! When I was there, the first thing I saw and fell in...