Btw meet my Pokenmon. Ok la it’s Poken. 😛
It started off as a Tweetup, something we twitters try to do often!
When I was there, the first thing I saw and fell in love with was the pokens! I got 2, one for me and one for my ex, I think it suits her so well 😛
The Japanese boy is Ken’s son, and he was so excited to Poken me lol!
His sister has this really blingified poken!
Which April Yim adored so much, that she started speaking in Japanese to the girl. But honestly, one doesn’t need any language in order to speak Poken. All you need to say is: Do you Poken? 😀
Now, you ask, why the heck did I choose this Poken? For one thing, it’s RARE!
But it IS ugly as well sigh. So I blingified it in strategic places. Nice? 😛
April can’t stop pokening! lol!
All in all it was a great meeting with twitterers (and some, bloggers!) such as KZamri, James, April, Carolyn from theChannelC and Ken himself. Go to Carol’s post to know what Poken is all about!
Thereafter I headed on to Envy’s new launch and met Jessica there, and had a great night out ;D

what’s the name of your poken?
.-= KY´s last blog ..Vietnamese Noodle at Pho Dzung, Richmond, VIC =-.
CaveTock wtf
What on earth is that?…Did you buy one for me? Wink! Wink! LOL!!!
.-= suituapui´s last blog ..Friendly persuasion… =-.
Don’t have STP version hhahahaha!
what is FYL??
F*** your life, derived from 😛
Stop poking small kids….
.-= The Envoy´s last blog ..The Religious Character of American Patriotism =-.
eh the last time i see your poken, there wasn’t any blings on it!
.-= wen pink´s last blog ..My New Hair =-.
woot, you also pimped your poken.
.-= Carolyn´s last blog ..Gadget Envy =-.