Find me a girl like this and I don’t care if she’s 16 or 66 I’ll take the whole package! What an anime-type looking babe!!
Elly (Trân Hà)
– Name: Trân Hà
– Nick name : Elly
– Born: 06-08-1993
– Height: 168cm
– Weight: 47kg
– Figure: 88-58-90
– Town : Hồ Chí Minh
Though I doubt someone like this exist. Sigh. See for yourself via 100 photos here and tell me if this is a hoax or not.
Last fan-service pic on this blog:
where gooooot suuuuuch thingg oneeeeee~~!!~!~!!!!
He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.
http://www.alifebe.com/2009/09/09/elle-tran-ha-a-sexy-cute-famous-webgirl-now/ also blogged about it. how true, what he said.
Just found out some of my traffic come from here…
Nice blog you’d got…
.-= DSvT´s last blog ..[Around the world] Tokyo Tower =-.
Thanks! Suddenly i realised the pictures are no longer there. Probably need to upload on my own flickr haha!
I think better don’t maybe someone being warned to take down them… Just let it go, let it live in our memories will do…
That’s true.. what a nice guy you are 🙂
LOL… I believe they exist =)
.-= andrew´s last blog ..Michael Jackson Finally Laid To Rest =-.
dun la. i dowan believe. i’ll forever look for this kind one T_T
vietnam here i kam!!!
.-= wingz´s last blog ..Bubbles …. =-.
Take me with youuuuuuu!
it is on the internetz
so it must be true!!!
everything on the internet is truth!!!!!!!
have a look at this
and now this
She looks like one of them photoshopped idols, but I’d still tap her.
.-= The Envoy´s last blog ..Woman To Be Spanked In Public =-.
of course this kind of gurl exist. don think u can find this qualities in malaysia or i might be wrong just that i havent come accrossss
.-= taufulou´s last blog ..Woo Pin Fish Head @ Taman Danau Desa =-.
got lar they do exist. haven’t you heard of boob-job and silicon boobs!?!?? don’t be so naive tock. hahahahaaa!
.-= jg´s last blog ..Kampung Toy =-.
.-= Christine´s last blog .. =-.
this is impressiveeeeeeeeee!!!
where gooooot suuuuuch thingg oneeeeee~~!!<– my sound from heart :====(
.-= Harry Tee´s last blog ..malaysian typical breakfast =-.
looks like a Japanese sailor moon style cartoon!
tock, stop surfing for pr0n
HAHAHAHAHAH another one bites the dust!excuse me now while i clean the drool off my keyboard!
Down load elly new pic with BIG amount and see her B00bs also xD
and this new colection
I have a collection of her too.
.-= bien´s last blog ..When will Philippines support SMS with twitter? =-.
I got her new sets of photo, click it out…
.-= DSvT´s last blog ..Elly Tran Ha again… =-.
It’s hard to find your blog in google. I found it on 12 spot, you should build quality backlinks , it
will help you to increase traffic. I know how to help you, just type in google – k2 seo