I still remember, on the 18th of December 2009, Alamanda Shopping Centre proudly hosted a hangout day with 50 members from the media consisting of bloggers, reporters, radio announcers and a TV crew for a fun filled day in Alamanda Shopping Centre and a mini tour around Putrajaya.
And guess what, I’m one of them, many thanks to the guys over at Adverlets!
Getting to join blogger friends, friendly reporters from theStar among others, the UnseenTV crew and my favouritest radio station Fly.fm in this epic journey of 2009 was certainly a day to remember, and with that, so was the epic numbers of photo taken :p
That’s why I’m splitting up the the posts into many parts. This is Part 1 🙂
The day started with most of us waking up ever so early even when it’s a holiday in Malaysia. We were to be at Alamanda Putrajaya by 9.30am for breakfast @ Old Town White Coffee and we tried our best not to be there by Malaysian timing :p
Fortunately for us, the ride to Alamanda Putrajaya wasn’t very difficult at all, with signs located along the highways. We were like an entourage driving together to the destination, and while all these were happening, blogger friends Jeremy and Jon were snapping away (and caught me tweeting lol!) so all in all it was really fun! Well, just make sure not to drive too fast ok? 😉
Arriving at our destination I met the gorgeous and popular Belinda Chee, along with purplish Leonard with Adalia and the lovely Bangsar-Babe. I thought it was a well done job to coordinate the “get-everyone-together” bit, all thanks to Rebecca of http://thenomadgourmand.blogspot.com 😀
I was surprised to see that there were already some people walking around although it was still quite early. Guess most people in Putrajaya hang out in Alamanda as it’s one of the few places that has all fashion shops, great variety of food, major bookstore MPH (as above) and of course, a bowling alley and GSC Cinema!
In any case we headed to Old Town White Coffee, and there we saw another huge bunch of bloggers all waiting for us, together with the nice peeps at Fly.fm and several reporters from our local newspapers.
And so we sat down as Nigel explained to us what he had planned for us: an awesomely orgasmic full day trip where we’ll get to eat , play, rock climb and more! If you were me, you’d be so excited okay, take for example the handsome Evo here (far left) :p
Nasi Lemak – Always my favourite Malaysian breakfast 😀
Or you could have the Butter + Kaya Toast, too. I had both. HAHAHA. And Wheatgrass honey juice as well, my defacto drink whenever I’m at OTWC!
Oh and while everyone was having their breakfast… I had a chance to play with Jeremy’s fish-eye lense which I attached to my Lumix G1 (which I got free as an official Lumix Shutterbug :p). Had funky results, like this!
That’s me with Smashp0p, Wilson and Bangsar-babe!
That’s everyone all excited to go for Rock Climbing, the first in our itinerary for the day!
You can see Howard-U, Amanda Choe and Hanie and Michelle all looking bored waiting for us to finish our food haha!
In any case we soon left, and I had to take this artsy-fartsy picture just cause it’s cool 😉 Thanks Old Town White Coffee, Alamanda for having us for breakfast!
Wait, that sounds wrong 😡
It was time to return the fish-eyed lense to Jeremy, and until today I can’t help but admire the Lumix LX-3… such a beautiful piece of art 😀
It didn’t take long for us to start doing our own camwhoring before the arrangement was even made. One fine example is Rames here, pro-self-group photog doing his thang, with Eu Veng, Amanda and Selena 😉
Anyway one of the Alamanda crew did us a superb service of helping us take our group picture…. and man, did that picture turn out so fine or what?! Just take a look!
Fuuuyoooooh!! Alamanda all the way baby! 😀 *click to enlarge*
Many thanks to Eu Veng of http://euveng.com/ for the picture 😀
The Workout @ Putra Climb
We headed to Putrajaya Challenge Park next at Precinct 5 for a rock climbing session at Putra Climb where we sweated it out with a morning workout. The Putra Climb is currently the largest indoor climbing gym in Asia which had been recently opened. http://www.putraclimb.com/
Oh by the way I wanna show off what I got to take home- Dunkin Donuts, Quiksilver organiser, travel pouch, Alamanda t-shirts, photo albums and lots of snacks. Keh keh keh >:-D
Disclaimer: The overall objective of this hangout day is to showcase what Alamanda Shopping Centre has to offer as well as promoting Putrajaya as a destination for all. Putrajaya has everything to attract discernable visitors from shopping, sightseeing, water sport activities to friendly parks, rock climbing and recreations. A trip down to the capital city also enables one to pamper taste buds at the numerous eateries available or just shop in Alamanda till their hearts content. Everything written here is through my own personal experience, do contact me if you have further questions 😀

It was BIG fun! so happy u could join us!
Nx time muz try the waterskiiing ok!!
.-= thenomadGourmand´s last blog ..Another Crazy "X Mas Party 2009" at KY’s ! =-.
yea we missed that one!
It was one of the most amazing outings with fellow bloggers. Salute!
.-= superwilson´s last blog ..We Are Back! Thailand’s Trang and Krabi Highlights Preview! =-.
it is, it is 😀
[…] After our sumptious breakfast and shopping session, we then headed to the Putrajaya Challenge Park at Precinct 5 for a rock climbing session at Putra Climb where we sweated it out with a morning workout. The Putra Climb is currently the largest indoor climbing gym in Asia which had been recently opened and charges really reasonable fee for equipment rental! Just to show you how excited we were… […]
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