Since the brewery at Carlsberg is pretty exclusive to staff and clients, I might as well take this chance to do a little showing off!
Presenting to you, the lounge at Carslberg, Shah Alam. Where all staff are encouraged to drink and inspire, lol.
Usual bloggers are there, like Coco here. Yeah, it’s dry. So wet yourself up :p
The one and only Yatz. You’ll never miss him in any drinking events (though he does look like quite a geek here haha!)
My forever Jestina, gorgeous and looks great next to an unlimited supply of drinks :p
Two lovely ladies JunJunRiko and Benjicajess, probably the most happening ones in the Malaysian blogosphere!
Ah blessed be me… the guys who gets surrounded by beer drafts haohoahohahoaha
The whole bunch of us… But no, JunJunLenglui not happy, have to do second one lo…
Nah second one! Ok la admittedly much clearer and you can obviously spot the two monkeys behind, namely Yatz and YapThomas.
This trip was made possible thanks to Nuffnang, with their country manager pictured here (Nicholas Chay u look hot la wei!). Well, getting a free copy of FHM too. And the Girls Next Door Calendar of 2010 as well!
But for some reason, don’t know why this Pam Song holding it so tightly… you’ve got something for them issit Miss TinkiTalks? haieheahhehae okla guys I’ve got Carlbergly duties to perform tonight, who’s up for a pint! *cheers*

did you guys drink till mabuk a not..such a nice event`
.-= taufulou´s last blog ..Lorong Seratus Tahun Curry Mee @ SS2 =-.
takde pun, but next year going to have the chance woo hoo!
Did u do the scene where the guys was shouting and jumping when they see the rows of beer. I know different beer but as this is the only factory you managed to go, u shud have do it
Ah, should’ve postponed my HK trip 😛
.-= Simon Seow´s last blog ..Mak Man Kee Noodle (麥文記麵家), Hong Kong =-.
look like a geek is good..easy to hit on girls when they know i am not one! >.<
.-= Yatz´s last blog ..A Merry Christmas With Carlsberg Christmas Tree =-.
drink beer whole night?
here me at Nikel Khor
i look ugly in the photos. can i sue u for uploading my ugly photos ar??? hahahahaha….
.-= JunJun-Riko´s last blog ..It’s my last week at work =-.
So lucky…I also want free flow!!