The world as we know it is incomplete without sounds. For me, and especially for me, I’m the kind of person who can’t live without it… Singing wherever I am, listening to all kinds of sounds nature can provide among other things as I observe our beautiful world, never would I thought I’d get to experience all this when Rebecca told me about her Muzika experience, and so I quickly tagged along since it’s pretty damn near my workplace anyway!
Petrosains at KLCC. They always have pretty quirky stuff but I didn’t know something quite like this existed here! I got pretty excited really, yes, like a little kid :p
Here’s Rebecca belanjaing me a ticket. HAHA ok i’m joking, after all it’s just RM6… small money la :p
I think it was my first time in this place, i really didn’t expect it to be sooooo big. Already I can hear pretty quirky sounds and that perked me up to really observed what they had.
Some of the exhibits are pretty damn weird! In a good way of course… take a look at this: “Who’s imitating whom? Find the original sound and its imitator“, pretty cool eh? I think it’s perfect for those like me, who play music by ear one.. but too easy for those with perfect pitch i guess!
I kinda like this model of the earth. So cute. You can even listen in to the cultural music of the region just by placing the “vacuum” at the heartbeat of the places in white.. Pretty cool if you ask me!
And this is what I get when I place it over Malaysia! See, got mention and even explained the origins of Dikir Barat… Reminds me so much of my performance back in Imperial College London.. Sigh, good ol’ Malaysian Night. If only ppl realise how important our Malaysian culture is to us..
I know you itchy hand die die also wanna play with this, damn cool wei :p
There are towers jutting out of this earth, represented by male jacks here :p Kidding la haha.. This exhibition actually shows the influence and development of different types of music coming from on country to another across the seas.. Pretty amazing stuff really!
Of course, who could resist their inner drummer hiding inside them? LOVED THIS, an experiment on sounds in space! (as in, spatial territory, not Star Trek kind of space. in case you forget, sound cannot travel over vacuum :p)
Some.. well, are REALLY quirky :p Like this piece of original contraption hehe.. Circular pianos for the win!
My personal favourite, the DJ set. Cool stuff wei, you’ve just gotta try it out 😉
Well all in all it was really quite an interesting exhibit – about the history of music, technology,
etc. I felt enlightened at least, and got to play with some interesting toys… Makes me feel like a little boy again 😉
You should really visit the place for some cool musical experience. Even better, try checking out the Muzika Online Quiz and their Send To Friend Contest! Just register to log in where you can either answer 5 quiz questions or submit a friend’s (family also can la) name & email if you feel like spamming them with these cool knowledge above, along with your own personalized slogan and SUBMIT.
But why would you do that?
Nuff’ said, eh? There’s no other cooler reasons to inject some of the world’s music in your life at the Muzika expo @ KLCC!

Muzika rocks! 😉
.-= bryanlyt´s last blog ..Kris Allen Malaysia Showcase =-.
Wahhh.. i should visit klcc for my next visit to KL 😉
.-= ahlost´s last blog ..Broken Into Pieces =-.
yeah, damn cool wei!
I totally got lost when I was in there! lol! stucked at playing all the games satll in there!
.-= Big Boys Oven´s last blog ..Foodies usher in the year of the Tiger =-.