Once again we had the honour to taste Prince Hotel’s latest promotion, featuring the CNY2010 Fortune Set at the award-winning Chinese restaurant, Tai Zi Heen!
Yin Yang Yee Sang (Tune Salmon Rotoulade) was obviously the number 1 to start with, beckoning wishes to be granted as we mixed the these ingredients together.
After the preparation is done by our dear waitresses,
the only thing left to do is to..
Share the joy while making wishes during the process of “Lou” which means to mix the Yee Sang! I don’t know what Esther is wishing for, but it must be great looking at her happy face!
As for me, this was my maiden Yee Sang session, and rightfully so since there’s no where else I want to break my Yee Sang virginity… I’ve really started to build a fondness for Prince Hotel, their ever lovely staff and of course, my beloved seasonal parking space for only RM110 a month!
Braised Pearl Shark Fin with Fish Maw in Supreme Golden Broth was next up in the menu and boy was it so darn tasty!
Here take a look at the Shark Fin.. it’s so refined and of course, ORIGINAL! I tell ya I couldn’t have enough of it even if I wanted to!
So what’s next? The Braised fried oysters with Fatt Choy, Mexican Soy Clams, Sea Cucumber and wok-fried greens of course, to signify green money!
My all time favourite though, was the Steamed Cod with Pickled Radish and Garlic in Supreme Soy Sauce! Utilizing the “Chai Poh”‘s (Pickled Radish) saltish sweet taste and combined with some spices with the fresh, yummy cod fish was probably one of the most fantastic experience ever!
Deep-fried Batter-dipped Prawns tossed with Fresh Lime Dressing was. the. bomb! At first I thought they tasted like Salted-Egg Prawns, before I realized that lingering tangy taste that sent explosions into my mouth! 🙂
Braised Duck with Dried Fish Maw and Dried Scallops. Well. At this stage, you know you can’t resist the calling to eat, and throw all signs of dietary plans. FML.
Last but not least, we had Fried Rice with Seafood and baby Abalone where you just can’t help but stare at those abalones. Surprisingly, though, they add value to the fried rice which I enjoyed very much 🙂
Finally, Hasmah with red dates and Glutinous Rice Dumplings to end the day. Looks heavenly, no?
Well, it is.
So that is, ladies and gentlemen, Prince Hotel’s famous Chinese New Year Fortune Set. For the kind of class and experience you would get in fine dining, this set is pretty reasonable with a price tag at RM1188 per 10 person. You’d probably want to bring only those who you really love though, money after all isn’t grown from trees.
As for me, I’d definitely bring my nucleus family, for everything they’ve done to get me where I am today. I shall pay them back in all exquisiteness, flowing with a first class charmed Chinese New Year!
Ok I lied. It’s cause this Tai Zi Heen serves one of the bestest Guo Ling Gou herbal jelly I’ve ever sinked my teeth into… Yummy pandan waft eminating from it, pieces of sago and sea coconut lending the sweetness to our firm jelly covered in light syrup… OMG I WANT ONE NAO!

The sharks fin and the guai Lin kou rocks!
RT @spinzer: Once again we had the honour to taste Prince Hotel’s latest promotion, though i really came for the guai lin gou! http://me …
RT @spinzer: Tockism updates you: Prince Hotel’s Chinese New Year Fortune Set https://spinzer.us/2010/02/prince-hotels-… #cny2010 #yeesang
i just want the cod fish!
I miss yee sang oredi!
The taste of the cod fish is still lingering in my mouth! The best fish ever!
.-= iamthewitch´s last blog ..If we were in a smaller car… =-.
i want the gui ling gou~!
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hahahah LAZATnya! 🙂 Jilat lah jari!
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