I loved this too much, I had to create a post just for this. Powerful, what we call Social Media.
Admit it, everyone of you here suffers from this one way or another!
ps- I haven’t posted it up yet, but congratulations to the Young Corporate Malaysians for having their first successful summit on the 12th of December 2009! May this year be so so much more better than the last 😉
Ku Li and us on the stage, my most memorable moment that day :)))) (View his speech here)
Presenting an appreciation symbol to Tan Sri Halim for his presence in our summit!
Lastly, the beautiful team who made it happen 🙂

Wei… u look so smart with the coat wor…. Still working at ECM?
hehe thanks.. but it’s nothign compared to your gorgeous dress during your wedding 🙂
Congratulations. I’m proud to have at least met you and your husband before you guys married each other!
And yes, still working in ECM. The event above is another organisation that I am part of 🙂
“digital distractions” I like that!!
.-= thenomadGourmand´s last blog ..Bloggers Chilling Out at Kindori, Sunway =-.