iTalkWhoa! Launch unites all under Borneo Rainforest

No, not the real Borneo Rainforest in Borneo Island, but right here at Sunway itself! To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect from the launch because there’s been so much happening with TM, for example, their recent launch of High Speed Broadband called UNIFI! (read my post about it here)

Then I realised one thing: while #unifi ensures we get blazing fast connection, #iTalkWhoa! will ride on its stupendously fast service to provide a VoIP calls, SMS, push e-mails and all your other social media tools with total efficiency as well… Whoa, what a MARRIAGE!



Beautiful Borneo Rainforest

True to my thoughts, the Launch at Borneo Rainforest also proved that iTalkWhoa – the “wonder” portal –  will be an enabler to allow all of us, young and old, regardless of race, religion and background, to better communicate with each other. Why do I say that?



Haze Long my designer, MissyCheerio the beautiful and Eric Yong the Spammer :p


Well, for one thing, we had various bloggers from different networks all meeting up for the first time since having to “choose sides”, and for me it’s an amazing scene! If you were here you’d probably know a lot of these bloggers as they have been around for quite some time 😉



YapThomas and Yatz, my fav buddies!


So it’s great to know that you’ll get to see all your friends under one roof, which is essentially the same concept of iTalkWhoa: the portal which is able to connect its users to multiple different websites and networks – including Twitter, GTalk, emails, MSN Messenger, Facebook and a whole lot more… all in the comfort of one platform.



Chat using AIM, MSN, MySpace, Yahoo and Google using iTalkWhoa

Can it be any easier than this? 🙂



Amanda Choe, MissyCheerio, Rebecca and Hanie in da house!

Obviously it was also the ripe time to camwhore or to shoot at all the hot girls here, that’s how everyone connects, isn’t it? Especially for the Original Buaya Yatz haha! ;p



Heck even the fehmes Suanie is here 😀

Good to see a few others that I haven’t seen for sometime too… For example Suanie here and I, we go long way back. At that time I was supposed to marry her but I couldn’t well afford RM20,000 a month dowry fee haha!

Who wouldn’t want a free headset eh? Thanks iTalkWhoa!

Lots of other funny thing happened but I guess it’s another post for another day, eh? Before I end though, I just want to quote Mr Simon Seow, whom a lot were expecting not to be at this event that day due to another event happening at the same time… so the lot of us were curious, and asked him why. He replied “Of course I come here la, being here a lot of benefits mah!” along with other quotes best not mentioned here 😉

We all laughed so hard cause we think that he’s really here because each of us got a headset as a free gift to use with our iTalkWhoa account, BEST kan?! Faster go get yourself an account at and register, cause I’ve already shown you how to do it in my previ0us post, so no more excuses for you 😉


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He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.

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