Crocs Malaysia invited us to witness the relaunch of a newer, BIGGER store in Midvalley (literally two shops combined, now!)
Me and Ruby at the relaunch!
Joanne Kay Kuak briefing us and handing us bags filled with goodies… and a voucher for a brand new pair of shoe! Guess what I got…
Esther, Andrew, Marcky and Sweet was there, too
Here’s me posing with one of the hottest girl in town. Check out her blog!
Awww, look at them little shoes 😀
One of my favouritest pair!
The new collection 😀
VIP from Crocs Malaysia explaining to us what’s new in town.. they always try to bring flavours which we love in Malaysia 🙂
A group photo of us bloggers!
THIS is what I got! haha. Ok i’m joking 😛
But she definitely wasn’t!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Crocs Malaysia, Caroline Ng May Ling. Caroline Ng May Ling said: Crocs sees double @ Midvalley – Perpetual Tockism via @spinzer […]