I'm Dreaming of a White Starbucks


It’s Christmas Season
in Starbucks!

A bunch of us were invited to a food (and drink!) review at Starbucks Damansara Utama and I was more than thrilled to accept the invitation! Later when I knew it was going to be a Christmasy affair, I became a nostalgic wreck thinking of the good old days in London, where it would be very cold at this time of the year and Starbucks became one of the best places to warm up to sip a mug of hot chocolate <3


It's Christmas time baby!

It was pretty obvious the place was done up, and I suspect not just at this branch. In fact, Christmas seems to be everywhere extra early this year!


Shaz saying "Ho Ho Ho, You've Been Naughty This Year!"

After so long I bumped into Shaz Mukhtar, a great friend and company, who I haven’t been seeing for ages due to my busy schedule. He’s been very patient with me and I really hope I can return his efforts this coming Christmas for being the dearest friend I’ve ever had throughout my problematic life :))


Coffee, tea, or me?

Maybe I’ll get him one of these gorgeous mugs instead… Don’t they make lovely gifts? 🙂


Three Christmassy Stoodges

Decors were a-plenty, definitely setting the mood just right 😀


Me, Ev Ooi and Selena under a Mistletoe Tree 😉

Okay maybe not true, but here’s a Merry Christmas to you!


Our reserved area!

When we got upstairs we saw our spot immediately, marked by these very nice looking stands… it says “Reserved” for us 😀


The Uncontrollable Shaz!

Okay moving on to the drinks! The two new drinks on board the Christmas menu are Christmas Toffee Nut Latte & Peppermint Mocha and I chose the latter purely because I wanted something minty, and it was! Yummy, smooth and delicious, I finished my Grande in a blink of an eye.


Smooth Tiramisu

As I remembered it, it was one of the yummiest dessert here! Just too bad there’s no alcohol in it, yea? 😛


Chocolate Tuxedo for RM9.00

A clear winner, this one, especially among the girls. Well, and Shaz too. He’s not a girl 😛 MUST TRY!


Marble Cheesecake for RM9.00

If you’re in for a cheesy delight, the Marble Cheesecake is for you.


Blueberry Cheesecake for RM9.00

But for a  better taste (well, for me la, I’m a BIG fan of blueberries! – but not blackberry k) try the Blueberry Cheesecake, it’s the yummers!


Espresso Eclaire for RM3.80

Not a big fan of the Eclaire, but apparently it got smothered pretty quickly 😛


Peanut Butter Creme Brule for RM9.00

YUMMY YUMMY THERE’S LOVE IN MY TUMMY! Sorry la, peanut better ANYTHING is damn good 😀


Jazzy Lemon Cheesecake for RM9.00

Jazzy Lemon Cheesecake ain’t too sweet nor sour, and just nice for a Christmassy feeling 😉


Butterscotch Cinammon Roll for RM4.80

Now this is sinful. And beautiful. And tasty. And yummy. And sweet. Wait, did I say sinful?


Buttery scone with blueberry filling and crumbly top for RM7.50

Love the icing, best eaten with butter and jam!


Meat Dog?

There were lots of food too, and luckily there was many of us, otherwise there’d be an overload of yummy pastries to warm your tummies!


Chicken Pasta Stack for RM14.90

I found some yummy, and some mediocre. While the lasagne looking dish here looks yummy, I wish they had more spices in it like the Chicken Kapitan Pie, else it would be awesome!


Toasted sandwich for RM6.50

The sandwich leaves nothing much to sight, but you’d be surprised how tasty those morsels of eggs and sausage can be 😛


The gorgeous Shepherd’s Pie!

The Shepherd’s Pie, however, leaves me nothing to say as I chomped down into the creamy insides and the pastry.


Taking a deeper look at the Shepherd's Pie

A look at the Shepherd’s Pie gives you an amazing yummilicious, saliva-inducing moment that would whet your appetite up. That’s Rebecca’s camera right there taking a good shot right into the insides, take a look at the picture in her post! – http://www.rebeccasaw.com/starbucks-malaysia-more-food-choices-on-its-new-menu/


Assorted Food Items - but note the Chicken Kapitan Pie & Bagel Sandwich!

Suffice to say there were MORE than enough to go around. Another must try before I end is the Chicken Kapitan Pie. It’s really special, as if the pastry used is infused with special herbs to give it a unique taste complimenting the curry chicken inside 🙂


Say HO HO HO from us all the way at Starbucks!

And that pretty much concludes the fun experience I had with Starbucks! Great meeting place, great hang out place to meet friends, amazing love spread all over the place and all these make up the ingredients needed for a perfect Christmas moment with your loved ones 🙂

Merry Coming Christmas to you, would-be Starbucks customers!

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He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.

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