RandomAlphabets, famed for their guerrilla-styled events that can sometimes be done purely out of fun, and sometimes, for a cause that the community should help support. I say should because we need to remind ourselves that everyone is human despite all the talks about loosened race relations yada yada… My question to you: is it really?
Anyhow, questions aside, here is an excerpt stolen from ZainHD’s blog regarding #hideNseek.
I’ve been working on putting a flashmob project, hideNseek (on behalf of RandomAlphabets) on Saturday 20th November, that supports Unicef’s campaign against child abuse, Get on Board.
On Tuesday 16 November, at 8.15 am or a little after, I’ll be on BERNAMA TV to promote the flashmob (on the same cause as above) happening on 20th November. For the first time I am organizing a project that has a significant concentration and emphasis on participation from children. People of other ages are invited and welcomed to come, but we want to see loads of kids come, and their elders can come too. 🙂
So I came in, again, to help out and I can honestly say the site is one of my proudest work so far! Nothing wrong w/ being proud of your work right? At least I don’t go saying it’s the best site around… YOU do that for me 😛
In any case, do get involved. Lend a hand. Share. RT the tweet at www.hideNseekflashmob.com.my. PARTICIPATE– that would be majorly awesome, as there’s surely going to be media covering this event… and remember:
It’s for a great cause.
Raise your hand. Be counted. Stop Child Abuse Now!