Tock’s Asides:
It’s the Deepavali weekend special, so here I am to educate you on a simple term that you’ve most probably seen again and again, but never understood what it was. The feed.
So what is RSS exactly?
RSS is short for “Really Simple Syndication”. It sounds like a mouthful but it is actually just a label. RSS Feeds enable you to get news feeds and updates on any topics that interest you fast and easy. You don’t have to check or be on the lookout on what’s coming as it delivers the headline, short summary and a link back to the full text every time an RSS news feed is updated. That’s why Google Reader is becoming increasingly popular these days as we have less and less time on our hands to actually visit each and every blog or news site we visit.
But hey, look what we have here!
RSS Feed function now available on iTalk Whoa!
iTalk Whoa! now has the ability to pull in RSS feeds too. But how is it any different then any other feed readers out there? Here’s why:
- If you have been worried about giving your name and email address to subscribe to any newsletter, the RSS feed in iTalk Whoa! has come to your rescue. Subscribing to RSS feed does not require you to do so. No more e-mails and no spams too. Your privacy is assured.
- You will get updates automatically on your iTalk Whoa’s account.
- For those who have got used to bookmaking pages, this is no longer necessary.
- If you are a content owner or publisher, you are able to distribute your contents without being sent to the junk folder.
Okay so now that we know we are able to include RSS feeds into your iTalk Whoa account, how exactly do we do it?
How to configure RSS feeds on your iTalk Whoa’s account?
Select the RSS Feeds under Mail panel and click on New Group to create a new category/group
Pop up box [RSSFeed Category Name] will appear and please input any name for the new group – example News
Automatically the News Feeds will appear in current Category Panel as below:
Now you can input any info on News category by just searching for RSS News that interests you.
And that’s really it!
If you want to know more on this (which makes you a n00b!), MynJayz has just the example for you- read his post to find out how to to add Newsfeeds from!
Finally, a very Happy Festival of Lights, or Deepavali to you and your family from!