22nd December 2010. That would be the date of my LASIK operation, costing RM2,300 each eye but a with a priceless change of a hassle-free lifestyle, given the number of activities I’m involved in. Most told me, it would be an investment that I will never regret.
Watching the video above, I have to agree with them. Albeit my fear of what-ifs that could happen or go wrong, I am steadfastly looking forward to it, placing both my eyes’ future to the hands of the doctors at VISTA Vision Specialist, the Curve. The Can-Opener really looks scary! – PS looks like I won’t need to worry abt the “can-opener”! Vista uses IntraLASIK technology 😀
Any tips on top of those mentioned in the video would be helpful. Pray for me guys, I hope this would be the best Christmas gift I’d ever have 🙂
– Will be upgrading to Custom LASIK “ASPHERIC” operation. It will cost me RM3,398 per eye, totalling about RM6,800.00 but at least I have the opportunity to pay in 24 months installments, which makes around RM300 a month for 2 years. Why? See benefits after the jump.
Download the details here: [download id=”3″]
Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Download map)
Tel: 1800 88 EYES (3937)
Email: help@vista.com.my
Website: www.vista.com.my
Unit 228, The Curve, Mutiara Damansara
47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: +603 7711 3937 Fax: +603 7711 3939 GPS: N03°09.485′ E101°36.744′

@spinzer Omg I’m doing LASIK soon too! Give me feedbacks on how it is ok! All the best babe!
@thepinksmurf see the video at my blog, https://spinzer.us/… *GULP. but i’ll be fine babe, will let u know. It’ll be LIFE CHANGING!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by yoonkit. yoonkit said: Don't blink. RT @spinzer: LASIK – An investment that will change my life. Leave me a tip on my blog? http://t.co/MhcUM4V […]
Yes, its a great investment. The process itself is scary but if you can get over it its just mildly uncomfortable for a few seconds.
Oi! I just saw the video, and this was NOT what I had to go through… Good luck man!
No no there’s no can opener LOL! It’s using IntraLASIK technology, thank God!
Wish ya luck for the operation. Enjoy your good vision!
@spinzer u r not scared? I wanted to but I’m scared n worry of the side effect
@SMaryVene I think the side effect is nothing compared to what I’ve gone through 10 yrs of my life either wearing contacts overnight n worse
@SMaryVene my eyes already damaging cos of that and since this will help me, though quite expensive, I’m prepared lor. I HATE specs too!
Damn… Spinzer, on HD. I’m calling ASTRO hahah.
Congrats on the bold investment move bro 🙂
I am a proponent on investing in one’s self!
Ah there’s different price for Astig? 🙁
@spinzer LOL why la invest in LASIK? @lightyoruichi don’t think you cute enough in glasses? :-P-
@spinzer so btol ke u gotta not wear contacts for a week b4 lasik ke? Did u do both tgthr? Btw merry xmas m’mang!
@zeffri I didn’t wear it for 2 weeks to make sure ops is a 100% success!
Scary gila burung!