It will be a journey. A journey any one of us will have to take, I reckon. I had mine some time ago (8 years, man has it been that long?) and have since graduated. Ellie will now start her journey, and it begins with her flight to Australia 🙂
Of course a party has to be thrown. Ellie, or otherwise known as MissyCheerio, has had her effect on each of us in our own private ways. She was, in many ways, different compared to many other bloggers, and that made her one of better friends out there.
When I saw that in her, I knew, this is one extraordinary girl. In less than a year I got to know her, I also had the privilege to maintain her awesome website where you can find many muses that all of us can relate to. We shared problems, talked cock, webcammed, and did many more things that you wouldn’t expect of a friendship that’s less than a year old.
I still remember it all started with me finding out that she had so many issues with her Maxis line. Only God knows the trouble she had to go through thanks to that, and so, I offered my assistance by providing her a link to get DiGi-fied. Thankfully with my great friendship with the big yellow man, everything proceeded smoothly and she got her ambassador line, as well as our newfound friendship!
From there on, it was pretty much smooth sailing. Her approachable nature, amiable attitude, principled thoughts and passionate emotions is probably the reason why many fell in love with her, her beautiful looks and her amazing writing. What else could a friend ask for, let alone a life partner… 😉
Oh and did I add that she would defend you with her life if you were her friend, even though it may cost her a lot to do so? Seriously, I’ve seen blogpost that warrants applause because of the way she presented her views on it, on a very logical scale, and of course with maturity. I especially loved one about the separation of the blogosphere, and why it’s unhealthy to let that kind of situation get worse. I, for one, would support her just because we share the same views- that all of us friends, bloggers or not, are individuals and not tools of any agencies whatsoever!
Not only does she write and talk about it, she’s a living example of someone who is NOT a hypocrite. At her party, with a single glance, you know there’s no favouritism in ways of race, gender, groupies or “agency-affliations”. To her, everyone there, was somebody to her, and her alone. It’s as if she could look right through us, although, I suspect as much that she can 😉
On this day as well, she finally showed something that she has done to show her appreciation. I had the privilege of helping her out with some of her tasks from directing her friends to the venue (Vogue at Plaza Mont Kiara) to ushering the people into the dance floor and more. To have her trust me, is like feeling that you’ve just received tasks from an angel, I kid you not.
So what is it that she has done, you ask? Without further ado, I present to you, the very talented MissyCheerio dueting with probably one of the best YouTube personalities around in Malaysia, ThreeMinutesNights! The song is called….
Taylor Swift – Back To December (Threeminutenights & MissyCheerio cover)
So how was it? Frankly, I thought Ellie’s voice could have a bit louder but then again, her duet partner is really, really good and it’ll take someone with exceptional singing skills to actually pull of a perfect duet with him. However one can clearly feel her emotions through her voice and facial expression.. I almost cried wei 🙂
Whatever it is I’m certain that I’m going to miss having her around. Then again, I’m also very excited to see what she would be experiencing there, and maybe we can find time to webcam again just like we did, and share stories which I’m sure will be very interesting. And of course, I will definitely make sure that she continues blogging and that I will be supporting her through the very end, which I’m sure her other friends would do as well.
Ellie, this post is dedicated to our friendship, to our experience together, and to our future endeavours… Know that I will always support you on whatever you do, because you’re just worth it all!

wahhhh so sweet your blogpost…. =P
Thank you! It came from my heart k 😛
I see me! 😀
Yeah, hats off to Ellie for even mentioning about the non-partisan presence across the local blogging spectrum.
Now, if we can only convince the rest …
Slowly but surely my friend 🙂
So much thoughts put into this post, thanks Chris <3
My pleasure missy <3
Nice write-up! All those attributes written bout Ellie, so true! 🙂
Yeap glad you agreed! Eh why did you turn out to be a monster? Go gravatar that e-mail address!