TIAO CRUZ WAS AMAZING! And now everytime I hear his songs on Hitz.FM or Fly.FM, I would go, HEY I’VE MET HIM! Haha. Ok, he might not be the best singer with showmanship, but one thing’s for real – he’s REAL! He’s HUMBLE and he ROCKS!
[flickr id=”6177728903″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Thanks to Arthur’s Day celebration this year, I had a swell time with my girlfriend, Joanne. From the parking (which, at first, we thought was well organized… ho ho ho) to being on the VIP (Gold Lounge) deck, it was major fun with constant flow of Guinness.
[flickr id=”6178255074″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Just want to take the chance to thank the organizers for the passes – without you, I’d never get to meet the Black Eyed Peas, and all the other experience from years past. Thank you G2!
Thankfully too, there was the Arthur’s lounge where we could chill in the air-conditioned space with our friends, while looking with amazement at the number of taps available, as well as the length of the queue!
[flickr id=”6177728989″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]As usual, the entrance is NEVER boring. Hey CopyKate, smile 😉
[flickr id=”6177729027″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]When we arrived, Prema Yin was already performing with a few awesome numbers. The crowd was just growing, and little did we know that it would amount to an amazing 20,000 people by the end of the night! It’s MINDBLOWING!
[flickr id=”6178255226″ thumbnail=”medium_300″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Â
Then of course there was the Dragon Red band rocking us away with their rendition of originals and covers… CRAZY SHIT AWESOME!
[flickr id=”6178255260″ thumbnail=”medium_300″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]
 The lead singer with his teddy bear… LOL
[flickr id=”6177729199″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]
Halfway through we met Vince Chong, damn I envy his body! Will get there some day LOL
[flickr id=”6178255578″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]
My baby Joanne Kay Kuak <3 <3
[flickr id=”6178255614″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Mizz Nina in the house!
[flickr id=”6177729565″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]
Man she’s a power pack! Her dancers and her heated up the stage!
[flickr id=”6178255878″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]And the crowd went WILD!
[flickr id=”6177729831″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]
Of course you get some anomaly.. like Dustyhawk here 😛
[flickr id=”6177729977″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]
To St Arthur’s! 😉
[flickr id=”6177730153″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”false” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]And that was just before the man Taio Cruz arrives on stage!
[flickr id=”6177730283″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]And oh man I think the crowd just grew in sized and everyone came forward!
[flickr id=”6178256618″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Gotta be loving my area… VIP lounge with no blockage view of Taio Cruz himself 😉
[flickr id=”6178256706″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Balls keep coming out! Guess two balls aren’t enough huh? LOL
[flickr id=”6177730743″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]
Gotta admit that though he doesn’t have a lot of showman ship, he’s pretty damn down to earth!
[flickr id=”6177730927″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Anyhow the end is here and all performers gathered on stage to celebrate the end of Arthur’s Day that began halfway around the world!
[flickr id=”6177731095″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]TO ARTHUR!
[flickr id=”6177731307″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Fireworks exploded!
[flickr id=”6177731531″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Confetti was everywhere!
[flickr id=”6178257788″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]SO PRETTY CAN?!
[flickr id=”6178258092″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]Took this time to camwhore… and I damn love this picture <3
[flickr id=”6177732061″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”small” group=”” align=”none”]On the way down, Joanne and I had to carry Thong Kai down and someone came to help… He was none other than Dennis Lau the Malaysian (or Asian!) violin maestro, who also co-starred in Nasi Lemak 2.0!! Damn helpful can?!
Well that was the end of an amazing night… Thanks to the great people at G2 for the invites, you guys are the best… Please keep it coming LOL!

you forgot to put pictures of the traffic jam.