Thanks to my awesome friends, #iPhone4s4spinzer fund has reached it’s tipping point!
Due to a friend of mine who claims to have positively impacted his business, he has contributed to the LARGEST portion of the fund which means that I’ve finally received RM2,300-ish (haven’t really counted yet) as a collected gift from all you special people out there!
Thank you, thank you and thank you! To all who have contributed, this is the best gift I can ever have – and you all made it happen. Not only will it help me in organizing my life, it also allows me to work more efficiently on the go, which is very important in the work that I do. You have really made me believe that there is kindness in the world 🙂
And to those who are #naysayers or were disgusted at this act of crowdsourcing – well, let’s just put it this way: I have worked hard and helped a lot of people out there and never once asked for anything in return. This is a way that my friends and people who support me can help me out in my task to do work for the masses, the communities which I’m involved in and more. Yes, the money may have fed homeless people out there, but rather, wouldn’t you want to support those who do real work for these guys? I may not be your type of person, but I’m sure there are those kind of people in your life, and have you done your bit to help them out? Think about it… and I hope I can share with you the love of giving.
In any case, I’ll be writing a blog post dedicated to this amazing act of kindness. Once again, thank you to all who contributed, especially to a special friend of mine who made it happen 🙂
Okay that was fun 😛 If you’re interested to read about my 27th birthday, do continue. If you just want to fund my #iPhone4S4spinzer, scroll all the way to the bottom! Cheers!
That’s right, I celebrated my 27th birthday just 2 days ago, by being at the BQe Youth Entrepreneurship Summit 2011 from morning till evening, and spending every last hour at Wen Tao and Stef‘s wedding, where Tao has never missed a single birthday celebration in my life since 2000! (that’s a whopping 11 years!) Proof is as per below:
Hehe… it’s just too funny for their wedding to just coincide with my birthday, and what more a better chance than to celebrate it together with friends whom I have met over the years! Double celebration woo hoo! (Some say triple even, as I am currently SINGLE and AVAILABLE now. Yes, those of you who know it, well, you know it :P)
The purpose of this blogpost is to convince you guys that since you haven’t gotten me presents yet (to those who have- THANK YOU!) I would love it if you can donate RM5 to RM10 to my Paypal or bank account for me to get the new iPhone 4s, because my old one was stolen at the same time I became single. Please understand that I need the iPhone to work and function, otherwise, I’ll go completely haywire.
Another reason why you should support and share this initiative is because the iPhone4S has Siri, an automated Personal Assistant that will be able to remind me just about everything just in case I forgot about it… which happens far too often haha.
So PLEASE, if you love me (i know you do) go ahead and transfer to me a figure between RM5 to RM10 (or more!) to the following accounts below:-

Thanks Kelly Siew (@kellysiew) for making a contribution!
Thanks Saad Kamal! (@saadkamal)
Can you start a Get Mellissa an iPhone 4S fund too? 😛