And so there I was wondering what this is all about, and could not help but to open the package and…
Saw that it was filled with loads of goodies and yummies! Perfect to take back to my hometown for the whole family to share ๐ So who was this from then? I opened the letter addressed to me and find that…
It came from the Chief Operating Officer of Short Haul Operations/Firefly Malaysia Airlines, Ignatius M.C. Ong as well as the Head of Marketing & Communications of FlyFirefly Sdn Bhd Angelina C. Fernandez! Their message? “Looking forward to more exciting trips with you!” – how much more appreciative can they be? Thank you guys!
It even came with a bottle of wine called “bila-haut”, presumedly “drink when you’re hot” LOL
The rest of the stuff inside the box. Too sweet! From Rocky (strawberry flavour too!) to keropok to kuih lapis and various biscuits and sweets. Too awesome :))
Thank you @FlyFirefly for this, it really does feel good to be appreciated, and I’m looking forward to fly to various other places with you whilst creating more experience for us together! OH PS!! PSSS! The awesome @akiraceo has granted my wish to get their lovely calendar custom made by Malaysia’s best web cartoonist! ALL FIVE of them!! Take a look!And I want to give away 2 of them (the other three are for my family members – they love them too and they are asking when will they start seeing Miao on their beds one day *hinthint* while I’m looking forward to more Wafu&Pafu action hehe. If you don’t know what I mean, you should check out their blogs at and (I don’t know the others) and enjoy my favourite comic strippers of all time
Final ps- still haven’t figured how to give away the calendars. Maybe I’ll share more in my next blog post! Till then, toodles ๐

HAPPY CNY!!!! Nice entry indeed..
btw i just voted for you for Worlds Bloggers And Social Media Awards 2012.. All the best ya… =)
Plsssss vote me back for THE WORST BLOG OF THE YEAR @ “click vote di link ye Thank youuuu =)
That’s too nice of you! Thanks! Voting for you back!
eeee u got giveaway 2?? =/
Yeah! Given edi! Why you want it so much ah heheh