Alright guys, so as promised, I have a number of goodies to give away – thanks to the awesome guys at @NandosMalaysia! If you haven’t already, you should follow them on Twitter – one of the spiciest Twitterholic to rule Chicken Land (besides, you could learn a thing or two from them on how to efficiently use social media!)
Anyhow, introducing: Macho Kai, and Harry Kok. Two individuals, battling to be the champion!
Of course, no guesses to whose side I was on – especially given our uncanny likeness, eh? 😉
He’s my champion indeed 😉 Anyhow – you might want to watch this video before you continue, because the questions will be based ENTIRELY on Malaysia’s Hottest Battle of 2012 video!
Done? Okay, the first person who can answer the following questions ACCURATELY will win themselves 1 Peri Platter (for 4pax) worth RM62. The winners will be announced on my Twitter, so make sure you follow me on @spinzer, too!
1. How many mics are present during Macho Kai’s interview?
2. How many years did Macho Kai prepare for this battle of epic proportion?
3. The punchbag that Macho Kai uses for his training: what brand is it?
4. Give the product name and model of the cycling machine that loser Harry Kok uses to train.
5. What is Macho Kai’s ONE TRUE INTENTION on why he wants to be the champion? (Hint: 0:36)
Put your answer below:
Terms & Conditions:
1. There can be no same winner for all 4 contest
2. Prizes are only to be collected after 20 July 2012
3. You must definitely, ridiculously, crazily show your support for Macho Kai, OR ELSE 😀
Ps – Week 2 of this competition will be purely based on Twitter 😉