I’ve always known that Malaysians have loads of talents that are yet to be unearthed, due to a circumstance that I describe as “Cantfident“, which I will explain one day (too lazy now). In my bid to “mengcungkil” all these talents, I stumbled upon the Malaysian Youtube scene about half a year ago, and said that the Malaysian YouTube community is bound to get bigger.
That time came when OMG Malaysia surfaced. While currently consisting of 5 Malaysian YouTube channels that you should be familiar with by now, they are NOT a closed platform and all they are asking is for YOU to showcase your videos in order to be supported by these guys, and be part of OMG. Currently, the YouTubers are all from Kuala Lumpur/Selangor area only.
In any case they have just organized their first OMG Live event yesterday and I was one of the lucky few who got in as a VIP, many thanks to @dan_khoo Productions! For that, you should go subscribe to his channel NAO 😛
With an event poster like this, who WOULDN’T have gone, eh?! Free somemore. In any case, I booked this slot out regardless of how busy I was this weekend, just to be able to meet a few key characters, mainly Darren Ashley aka @DazzaAshley and the founder of WAMM, Michael Chen aka @michaelcsm, apart from the obvious main characters of course!
[flickr id=”8019298414″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Yes, not only did they make me feel like my presence truly did matter (when it really didn’t :P), they also provided everyone who came with a free RM10 voucher to be spent at www.dsyr.com, a cool marketplace to get cool stuff. Haha.
[flickr id=”8019292899″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Did you see that? FULL HOUSE baby. I’m hoping to see a larger stage for the next OMG event, and MORE people should come to support these awesome guys because they have TALENT. Didn’t all of you watch and share their youtube videos? Next time don’t just click here and there, get your arses out of that chair and support too okay!
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The show couldn’t have started if not for these two amazing emcees of course. They would be @dmingthing and @mistergermani. I’ve said what I said about them in my previous blogpost, ’nuff said.
[flickr id=”8019297966″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]The first performance was by this new band I’ve not seen before, called Bob the Sausage. Don’t ask me why they called it that, but do follow their performance on Youtube – pretty wicked! Even Joseph love them enough to sit with them haha.
[flickr id=”8019292523″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Of course we had LOADS of comedy relief happening in between the performances. Lead by Ming Yue aka @mingyism, an accidental Youtube superstar as I would call him, these acts often make us laugh until it hurts haha… Some say even better than comedy shows lor!
[flickr id=”8019297682″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Then comes this all important scene, where Ming Han’s “Alone, Forever?” video came to real life. Watching my favourite Youtube actress Marianne doing the scene with Ming made my legs go jelly again… Oh man <3
[flickr id=”8019297548″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]
Joseph Germani, as usual, doing his Pek Chek thing -_- But we loved it anyway LOL! Go watch his video if you haven’t!
[flickr id=”8019292065″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Then of course there’s the #Skyward people… consisting of people I really, really like and admire. Yes, all 3 of them – Ming Han (@dmingthing), Charis Ow (@charisow) and Ming Yue (mingyism) make up #Skyward and they have a really lovely voice. Funnily enough, it was this song that made me so obsessed with them. Make more covers and get more performances with Youtube stars worldwide guys, I have HIGH expectations from you!
[flickr id=”8019297218″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Dan Khoo‘s turn, and he did the very thing he loves doing in his free time – a directing game lol. Well, it was fun and the footage is now available on his channel. Go watch it!
[flickr id=”8019291805″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]First time meeting the people at @GRIMFILM and boy were they awesome. Their movies truly evoke emotions that, in all honesty, we try hard to hide to appear cool. Look out for them as they continue to produce awesome films and hopefully, feature-length films in the future!
[flickr id=”8019291681″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]
Having @ShawnLeeBeatbox in your event is a must, nothing I can say to truly describe the amount of talent this small boy has… the way he produces HUGE SOUNDS is a phenomenon, really! Man, if only you were there to see his performance, WOW!
[flickr id=”8019296818″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]These guys don’t need any introduction. With multiple videos amassing up to 2 million hits on Youtube, they are the very same guys who bring you international Youtubers and even collaborate with them in some of their videos. Both @jinnyboy and @reubenkang make up for their weaknesses with strengths they both possess, making them a couple not to be messed with. While Jin Lim, for all his cool demeanor as a Radio DJ, ability to push content out to the market effectively and attractive personality, is well suited to be the face of #JinnyBoyTV, Reuben Kang, for all his crafty ideas, storytelling abilities and finally, his cuteness that has made a lot of fans fall for him, handles everything from the storyboard to technical magic that you often see in the videos.
If anybody is going to put Malaysia on the global map, it will be them. Malaysia #BOLEH!
[flickr id=”8019291207″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]And finally we have @DazzaAshley with his long awaited performance. Seriously, his music made me trash in ecstasy, the very definition of #eargasm. Among all the local bands I supported such as @Kyotoband, sometimes it’s hard to go a step further when the music doesn’t gel with you…. well, in his case, EDM is his forte and EDM is MY VIAGRA! Hence, this man is a musical genius to watch and I cannot wait to attend any of his events again in the future! DAMN!
[flickr id=”8019291335″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]That was the last of it and I’m glad I did come… met so many people, especially the “behind the scenes” ones like Bryan here. We talked a lot and promised we would dedicate an event day to the BACKGROUND people haha… and maybe called it “GMO: The forgotten heroes”? LOL!
8TV Quickie featured a short clip on what happened during #OMGmy Live, produced by Raffi Th’ng.
Congratulations to the Malaysian Youtubers aka organizers #OMGmy for making it happen, and for WAMM for hosting them. Malaysia would not be as cool as it is now if not for you guys. I am always waiting to see what else you will come up with and offer you my full support!! Go subscribe to their channels now!
The Ming Thing: http://www.youtube.com/user/dmingthing
Germani Productions: http://www.youtube.com/user/GermaniProductions
Dan Khoo Productions: http://www.youtube.com/user/dankhooproductions
The Grim Film: http://www.youtube.com/user/thegrimfilm
JinnyBoyTV: http://www.youtube.com/user/JinnyboyTVBobTheSausageTV: http://www.youtube.com/user/BobTheSausageTV
TheShawnLeeTV: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheShawnLeeTV
Darren Ashley: http://www.youtube.com/user/Darrn2

yeaaa! Good job indeed, the responses were great. Hope they bring M’sia youtube to another level! Keep rawkking!
I really can’t wait for that too!
Ah…one thing I must point out that Malaysians appreciate their talents. Especially seeing the full-packed house. If only more companies and government bodies would support them even further.
I completely AGREE! Let’s make it happen!
Went to OMG and LOVED it. Can’t wait for the next one. Plus it has inspired me to dig out my writing pad and start writing again 🙂
Do it and start producing your own film! I’m sure you can get them to help 😉