Glenmorangie Orange Eclectic PulseDate: 29 Sept 2012
Time: 10pm till late
Venue: STAGE, Avenue K
And when I say high rolling, I really mean premium party baby, the BIGGEST Orange event of the year. Take a look at who I saw? None other than the gorgeous Zher Peen or rather known as @thepeenut on Twitter. At that point I told myself I needed to touch base with her, cos I’ve been a fan since some time ago 😉
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My first time at Stage KL told me that the place was a little on the premium level, while the VIP area just oozed class. Comfy and dark, it was perfect for some great cozy flirting, or just plain networking, whichever that rocks your boat 😉 I also saw some representatives from Glenmorangie and G2 – twas great to meet you guys!
[flickr id=”8040319333″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]The usual suspects were there, beginning with the popular and talented @DennisLauViolin. This man is one person I truly admire, creating a musical path for himself as a professional electric violinist celebrity that he is today! Not only that, this guy trains budding talented ones as well, and help boost them up into the scene. I owe this guy big time 😉
There she was. @thepeenut is exactly who I think she is – super friendly, gorgeous and… well… sweet! I really hope to be able to meet her some day again, and plan out this DJ roundtable I’ve always wanted to do at @EYEProject hehe. Hope for me please!
[flickr id=”8040325274″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]Before I digress, let it be known that Miss Yellow appeared just then, and the whole floor roared in approval. From the dance clubs of London to Singapore, DJ Miss Yellow is not an unfamiliar sight imposing the entertainment commerce. Coming from Hong Kong and fathoming a chromatic path as an artist, model and TV personality in her homeland, the chameleon has played the world over and shared stages with the likes of A-Trak, 2 Many DJs and Fatboy Slim among others – that’s something to go crazy for!
[flickr id=”8040318759″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]She has SWAG yo. Along with lots of funky club- themed engagements and delicious Glenmorangie single malt whisky, too 😉 It was truly a night of pulsating zest and gusto; along with the perfect chance to relish in the hedonistic enjoyment of the “Unnecessarily Well Made” Glenmorangie single malt whisky .
[flickr id=”8040324922″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]She has attitude too. AND SHE PLAYS SOME MEAN MUSIC! Love it yo! Oh yes, even Gangnam-style came out ;P
[flickr id=”8040324744″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]But what’s a night out without great company eh? Luckily I was surrounded by both old and new friends, and we danced, and sang, and did all kinds of stuff that cannot be written on this blog HAHA!
[flickr id=”8040324422″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”medium_640″ group=”” align=”none”]A party is not complete without my man, Darren Ashley himself yo! This musical genius joined the fun and brought the house down haha. Far Out is still constantly playing wherever I go – it’s too awesome yo!
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This would be Darren Ashley and Andrea – and boy can the former dance, while the latter screamed. Can pierce eardrums and break glasses okay, no joke 😛
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Anyhow a good night must come to an end. Many a glass later, it was time to say goodbye to my new found friends. They were amazing, them. Kay is like my long lost brother, and Andrea is one gorgeous girl from Ipoh that attracted the photographers attention LOL! Can’t wait to share with you when they upload them haha.
Later on Kay, Andrea and I went to mamak to watch football and that was a sweet end to the night. Nah one bonus picture of Andrea herself. Yes, she’s a big fan of @MisterGermani and asked me to get the band for her, deliver it to Ipoh when it comes out, and I promised that I will haha. Go follow her on Twitter at @Drea_Gasm, or even better go order macaroons from her – apparently one of the best ones in Ipoh yo! Nah, Facebook page (with a very original name, btw) for you to like 😉