Imagine a Friday morning filled with Malaysians carrying around a newspaper with the iconic red headline above (not theStar!) ALL around you. Like, EVERYBODY.
Well believe it or not, it actually happened as the Malay Mail rolled out their 1 Million Malay Mail (1MMM) campaign to the public. I know, sounds very much like a 1 Malaysia Malay Mail campaign since the government loves to add 1Malaysia to almost anything, but hey, at least the branding sounds more practical in an unprecedented move to equip one million people with a paper to read filled with information, goodies, crossword puzzles (they are fun and challenging) and lots more.
The point is, people need to start reading. That’s the reason why I’m so FOR this initiative.
From their website, apparently some lucky people even got some free instant chicken porridge and packets of detergent. Honestly, very weird give outs but hey who am I to complain lol. (Remember I already dished out FREE Egg McMuffins from McDonalds on my birthday, 19th Nov hehe, so just accept free goodies lahhhh)
Anyhow I found some interesting “reviews” around the net but I’d never truly believe what other people say (that’s just me lol) and that’s why I just needed o see it with my own eyes.
As usual you have the current news, politics, latest happenings, education issues, business, sports and foreign news and even cooking stuff (cannot miss out :p) but most of all what I like is that the articles do stand out and contains opinions & stories without prejudice – even featuring our Prime Minister Najib Razak himself, DAP’s Karpal Singh & PAS’s Abdul Hadi Awang! Talk about empowering people with knowledge so they can make the smarter choice 😉
Okay I know this must mean elections are coming but hey, guess we should all read what he has to say so we can later grill him for it, on Twitter at @NajibRazak at least! After all, no story means nothing to debate about.
That said, I guess Malay Mail has been trying to be the news that has the courage to call a spade, a spade. Have been following on Twitter so far at @MalayMail, and continues to be one of the only news account I follow. Provocative, I like!
Why am I blogging about the newspaper? As you know I am part of the Imperial College Alumni Association Malaysian chapter (ICAAM) and we have gone into partnership with them to attract our alumni to register with us, to join us in our upcoming activities featuring Ambiga Sreenevasan on the noon of 19th of January 2013 and our much awaited Gala Dinner – more details to be announced later! Check out our website at or you can also see our advertisement at
Thank you Malay Mail for spearheading a new direction for all Malaysians to move towards positive contributions, to build a united and harmonious Malaysia!
Definitely a #betterMalaysia project.
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