“OMG the annoying Tong TongTong Chiang is here, why la must we always play this kind of music in this modern day and time?!” says my ex girlfriend to me. All. The. Time. I usually have no issues but after a while SHE‘s the one I’m annoyed with haha, I mean, it’s a great time to celebrate don’t you think?!
Most people don’t know that the songs played during Lion Dance has an important chorus that brings us all luck. I for one should know, seeing that I’ve performed Lion Dancing during my university days at Imperial College London (heck my team and I performed at Trafalgar Square in front of more than 10,000 people before!) so I really appreciate this age-old Chinese New Year tradition that has stuck around for so long, so much so that we should really keep it alive 🙂
Check out Grandpa’s version of it. You’ve really got to respect this one :p
I’m no Cantonese, but another tradition is that you have to wear a pair of Cheong Fu (long pants). The only issue is our grandparents usually want us to wear it up high, do you remember that?! Haha I’ll never get enough of it!
But Grandpa does! LOL
But hey I won’t judge you if you like that style up. Oppa-Grandpa Style, go faster record and post YOUR video up 😛
Finally, since my ex is single (who ask her to diss CNY music?!) let Grandpa show you, oh might as well to all the single ladies also, on how to throw oranges and be more fruitful at finding love this Chap Goh Meh 😛
Seriously, I don’t know who comes up with these awesome videos but it really makes for a great laugh, and very appropriate too, since none of us actually spend time with our family more than with our own mobile phones, LOL, so why not show my blogpost to be your family entertainment this Chinese New Year?
Gong Hei Gong Hei, Gong Hei Fatt Choy, dear readers of mine! May you be blessed with prosperity and long life of many snakes to come 😀
Watch more funny Grandfather Stories here through this link or share
your own on http://facebook.com/maxis or Twitter using #yehyehstories.

The fun of listening to grandfather and grandmother stories…OH! I love the tong tong chiang. Am looking forward to catching all the tong tong chiang that i can catch during the 15 days of CNY!