When I got tagged on Astro Awani‘s tweet below, it came as a surprise!
#Awani2013: @HanisZalikha , @Matluthfi90
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, @JinnyBoy , @spinzer antara 10 personaliti media sosial paling berpengaruh http://t.co/6xiPRHE7eZ
— 501Awani (@501Awani) December 26, 2013
First of all, I’m not really that famous if compared to some of the bigger names in the list, but I have to add this: I am followed by some of the most powerful personalities on various social media platforms across multiple industries, and that’s probably why my KLOUT score is considered pretty high even with a decent number of following! (in contrast, if you take a look at @klubbkiddkl‘s twitter followers – it goes to hundreds and thousands!)
However I will gladly accept this “title” as an honour to the social work I do to create a #betterMalaysia, being the voice of young Malaysians who want to do more than just follow the path carved out for them. I want to play the activist to support anyone and everyone who is contributing towards a #betterMalaysia, no matter which political party they come from, whatever race they are from (in fact, we’re all Malaysians are we not?) or no matter how small they are, or they THINK they are. It’s about creating a world without inequity, where anyone deserves to be successful IF they work hard and want it hard enough 🙂
There are too many to thank for all the great things that has happened over 2013, and I’ll probably list them down on a future blogpost. This being one of them of course, and receiving one of the best compliments I’ve ever had before. See below!
Congratulations @spinzer and @prasys – Awani’s notable online personalities of the year. Rest are shit though. LOL! – http://t.co/E93it9X6gb
— klubbkidd™ (@klubbkiddkl) December 26, 2013
Yes, I’m glowing after reading that hehe. ^____________^
Check out the full article here!
PS on another great news, our Social Media Outreach project with Durex under @Socialgrooves was covered by multiple mainstream newspapers last week and it was AMAZING to see our work together with Durex Malaysia and AIESEC Malaysia make it this big, all in the name of getting closer towards a world free of HIV. Check out the newspaper clipping below and if you were part of the campaign, we at Socialgrooves would like to thank ALL YOU SOCIALITES for being a PART OF THIS SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN!! *bows*