So there we were, unaware of the multiple legendary actions that was about to take place. I mean, this was on top of the excitement knowing we were about to be graced by the legendary pianist Richard Clayderman last evening, in conjunction with Eu Yan Sang’s 135th Anniversary Celebration Charity Gala Dinner Show! (Phew, that was a mouthful).
Little did we know as we progressed throughout the night at the Genting International Convention Centre, the event’s venue sponsor, that something really amazing and tear-inducing would happen…
Read on to find out.
Yes, THAT legendary Richard Clayderman
Thanks to our friends at #H2OFamily (yes, the family I have been privileged to be a part of since this fateful encounter) and Kak Ida, we were invited to this prestigious event where a million ringgit plus has been raised for charity, thanks to all the corporate partners tied to the prosperous Eu Yan Sang business. I mean, being around for 135 years speaks volumes, doesn’t it? You could almost feel the prosperous and healthy vibe being in the hall itself!
Although we were seated far away, the yummy mocktails and delicious food made up for it. Thankfully, I also have my Nikon camera with me with 20x zoom, hence the awesome pictures you’re looking at. Anyway the function started with the two most powerful women I’ve ever seen sharing about how the event came about, and of course the efforts that went into the fundraising a whopping million ringgit charity. Truthfully as a fundraiser myself, I know how much effort it takes and respect goes to her and her team!
I couldn’t help but be inspired by the speech they candidly gave, both Dato’ Ann Eu and Puan Sri Cecilia, as it was quite obvious that this was their baby that probably took months of sweat and tears to organize. What was even more touching is when they announced that they had raised RM1.26 million to the Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation and the Registered Trustees of the Joseph William Yee Eu Foundation. Now that’s one mind bloggling figure to take in, congrats!
We were then graced by Mr Richard Eu, the Group Chief Executive Officer of Eu Yan Sang, who gave an amazing speech on the direction the company will be taking – and from the sound of it, it was a really visionary one. Something to learn from for my own little digital communications agency, hehe. Oh on that note, I’m glad to share with you that we’ve just secured something awesome for this baby of Jingy and mine, can’t wait to announce to you folks π
And then this happened.
Wow, a heartfelt speech by Dato Anne Eu dedicated2 @HishammuddinH2O, on how he managed d M’sian tragedies 4 us..
β Christopher Tock (@spinzer) September 17, 2014
Dato Anne went on back to the stage to share about how her and the people around her felt the pain during the tragedy that is #MH370 and #MH17. Upon finding out that only the passengers would be compensated for their loss and not the crew members, she alongside Eu Yan Sang and Genting Berhad decided to do what others should have done: to fundraise for a new foundation that would support the education for the children of those aboard the MAS planes. It was there and then when she announced the creation of the Flagbearer Education Foundation, and pledged RM500,00.00 on behalf of the Eu Yan Sang group! She then shared about how Datuk Seri Hishammuddin stood strong representing Malaysia and the families of those who were involved throughout the nightmare, against bashers, uncouth media and provocations from other countries, keeping calm yet concerned when others just knew how to complain, and most importantly showing his ability to communicate extremely well (impeccable english she said, and I agree!) with international parties who would help with the search. And for that, she announced that it was only fitting that Datuk Seri will be the first Founding Patron of the Flagbearer Education Foundation, without taking NO for an answer! So what did Datuk Seri do?
DS @HishammuddinH2O accepts invitation as Patron to the Flagbearer Education Foundation 4 #MH17 #MH370 support! β Christopher Tock (@spinzer) September 17, 2014
Yes, the man himself has pledged to support the families of those involved in the #MH17 and #MH370, and what better way than to spearhead this initiative to support the education fees for their children! It’s really awesome to see the private sector contributing in such manner for the nation’s woes… Now that’s the right thing to be done.
Without further ado, we saw a mock cheque of RM1,260,000.00 being sent off to support the NGOs who deserve them, for the amazing work they do for the community. Speaking of which, have you heard of Supposingly the latest platform for NGOs to get the support they deserve. Check them out!
After that it was Eu Yan Sang’s mock cheque of RM500,000.00, dedicated to the new Flagbearer Education Foundation. Still can’t believe this miracle just happened. Oh and if you think this is cool, wait till you here this: Genting Berhad then came along and matched Eu Yan Sang ringgit for ringgit, taking the Foundation to RM1,000,000.00 worth of donation for a really good cause! Good on you Genting, and now, let’s see how the other corporate Malaysia will contribute π
What’s a celebration without a token of appreciation right? Can you guess what Datuk Seri got from these folks? *grin*
That’s right, a pot full of Eu Yan Sang goodies. I know Datin Seri Marsilla will have a great time being pampered for longer life and healthier skin π
Finally, the procession ended with a cutting cake ceremony in celebration for Eu Yan Sang’s 135th anniversary. Once again a huge congratulations for the successful organisation of this event, alongside the epic fundraising efforts!
#H20Family members represent alongside our Empowering Youth Endeavors (EYE) Project team! Can you see the masyarakat majmuk here? *grin*
Of course how could we not resist a #wefie with Kak Ida, our mama! Word got out that she just received an important good news too hehe. Congrats Kak!
La Familia >D
And just to prove that I really did dine with THE Richard Clayderman… Here’s a pic π
That talent… that legendary skills… the haunting fact that my first song learned on the piano was created none other than him… WOW! Truly an unforgetful night indeed. PS – His rendition of Symphony Titanic is so beautiful T_T
Can you see the passion in his face? ‘Nuff Said!
Tq #H20Family 4 being there β@spinzer: @claydermanmusic‘s performance,a sweet ending to an event w a gr8 causeβ
β Hishammuddin Hussein (@HishammuddinH2O) September 17, 2014
It’s our pleasure, sir! By the way, I’m volunteering to contribute my time and effort to the Flagbearer Education Fund, in support of the kids who need our help. How about you?
Education foundation 4 children of crew #MH370 & #MH17 : Sunway group pledged 500k scholarship #euyansang:$500k #genting:500k #KLK :200k
β Hishammuddin Hussein (@HishammuddinH2O) September 17, 2014
Yes, KLK and Sunway Group have both pledged RM700,000.00 worth in total, which means the FEF will have a grand total of RM1.7 million to support the education of the kids! Yeay!