I just had this thought that ran through my mind not just today but many times and over of my working life (not long, but a good OL’ 4 years), I have encountered with numerous HORRIBLE BOSSES or even Management.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Hence, there’s a team of people WORKING together right? Let me share my experience and what I hate about some people that I have worked with or even some colleagues shared their horrible experiences too. Not to mention some important details you may need to look into before getting your next job.
You certainly do not want this to happen to you?
1) OVER Calculative
I have joined this really small start up that was a 2 men team. Yes! That made up me and the BOSS. It’s a swimming company that I do not even bother to mention. I went in as a pretty fresh person, eager to learn and you know being a biz development exec and a freshie, I did not took into account of “benefits”. My boss does not give any claims AT ALL and the way is you need to close the deals and earn commission. I think this is ridiculous, I had to drive all the way to Malacca and back for the event setup and yes, it’s all from my own pocket for the trip other than accommodation.
Image Credit: CrestOffice.com
2) OFFICE Space
Same company as mentioned above, there were no proper office and whatsoever. it wasn’t proper or professional at all. In the end, I was labeled as “did not work or manage my time properly”
This has recently happened to someone I know of as well, her company has no office space and she was sort of dismissed due to “irresponsible at work”. I thought her work task was quite easy as she was really happy sharing with me and some friends of her work tasks and scope but the downside was her boss was too busy and there were barely any time for meeting so all she does is perhaps meeting the boss once a month or so, barely 2 months after meeting her, I was then informed that she has been “let go”
I know both sides of the stories, but let’s not share about other’s dirty lingerie in depth.
3) Letter of Employment
I have experienced with no letter of employment previously from 2 start ups. WHAT THE HELL? Let me tell you why is it important:
1) Your job scope
2) Any benefits (If yes, it shall be listed)
3) Terms that have been agreed on
You will need this as if all things go wrong, you have this letter of employment to back you up. If a company tells you they do not have any letter of employment; PLEASE DON’T EVEN CONSIDER IT
Letter of Employment should be shared to you as an acknowledgement and agreement from both parties, and should be signed upon entering the new company.
4) Basic EPF and SOCSO
You may be in the stage thinking all these are not so important or even prefer that you are pocketing all your monthly wage without bidding farewell to a standard 11% of your wage. Heck no! EPF is the fund that your employer should be chipping in another 13% to your monthly wage (for employees’ with wage of less than RM5,000, anything above that, company only gives 12% on too of your own 11%) EPF account can be your “FORCED TO WORK and FORCED TO SAVE” account, this account allows you to withdraw partial of your funds for housing down payment, education for you or your future kids to even buying a computer. It also simplify procedures for you to apply credit cards or any loan related matters. So unless you LOVE the idea of pocketing more of your wage. Else a company that hires you and tell you we do not give EPF or SOCSO… You shall recite the title of this article.
5) Lack of direction
You do not want to work or learn from a boss who isn’t clear of his/her direction as a freshie. I had a short working period with this startup that the manager isn’t clear of her direction not to mention she’s pretty forgetful too. There were a lot of wasted time and sluggish at work…Well, what I learnt from this was try not to be such a person and to properly organised my work, direction and be more PATIENT.
6) Credits and Faults
I’m quite happy with whatever shit job I do long as I’m happy at work. You know where you have good colleagues and FOOD nearby.
I’m really okay with not having credits credited back to me once upon a time. My dear blur boss as mentioned in no.5 usually takes ALL the credit at meetings. I understand that is part of work life and I accepted it. What I really hated was she ONLY takes credit, all the faults come back to us smaller minions, at times I did not even know such task existed but I was relate to it.
I guess female bosses are pretty good at making sure they find a few scapegoats :p (no offense, It’s my own experience after all)
7) He/She sells seasHELL by HELL
No gender discrimination here at all cause many Male bosses are potentially, equally could sent by Lucifer to the world.
Extremely BAD tempered ones who flies a bottle in the middle of a meeting, The type that shows favoritism and belittled other colleagues… Etc
Perhaps you could help me by sharing your experiences by commenting to this post.
8) Work-Life Balance
Unfortunately, there is no work life balance. I believe bosses should manage this expectation and deliver the message clear to all colleagues. Most importantly, be considerate by setting boundaries… We all know that colleague who has to rush off to pick up a kid or need that break after a long stressful day 🙂
Yeah.. Apart from work, some people has house WORK to do too!
Hence, many of a time…. I guess people need to learn about giving and taking. We are creating unhealthy work eco-sphere. What are your thoughts in this?
*Above all solely my two cents. Feel Free to comment 🙂