I just wanted to share more about the Merdeka Award, because it truly deserves more awareness than what it has now. Each year it highlights individuals who have done some crazy amazing impact that you and I probably don’t find sexy, but it’s like a game changing moment that improves all our lives as a whole! Just recently, Dr Jemilah Mahmood of Mercy Malaysia is one of this year’s recipients, read here; http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2015/10/01/jemilah-mahmood-receives-merdeka-award/
I had the opportunity to share at one of the #MerdekaAward Roundtable among friends who are passionate about the youths and the impact it has on our relatively young country recently. I’m sure you know of Dzameer Dzulkifli, Co-founder and Managing Director of Teach for Malaysia; then you have the young Dr Kamalan Jeevaratnam, Recipient of the Merdeka Award Grant for International Attachment 2014; next is the pretty & amazing Suhaili Micheline Ahmad Kamil, Choreographer, Lecturer & Performer; and finally power lady Suzanne Lee, Documentary Photographer. Of course, we were hosted by Cynthia Ng of ASTRO Awani who I’ve met several times already, and still amazed by her intelligence & beauty!
Here’s the video:
You can watch it on the link above, but in summary this is what I have to say about the topic:
“With such rich and diverse cultures in Malaysia, our people can go anywhere, do anything and succeed. There is no reason why we can’t be a global citizen and do more for our nation. Our young people have an important role to play in our nation’s development, hence, they need to take charge of their future. They need to capitalise on the bountiful support available to them and get ahead.”
It is only then that the nation’s young generation will be ready and equipped to assume a bigger role in helping shape Malaysia as a developed nation, in the years ahead.
I’ve got more to say about this, but it’ll have to wait for another blog post. I’m the meantime I’d like to convey my thanks to the founders of the Merdeka Awards, the three supporting pillars Petronas, ExonnMobil & Shell, and to the royal patron Sultan Dr Nazrin Shah of the Merdeka Trust – He’s been super inspiring of the late among all the shit that’s happening, a voice of reason.
Thank you for driving the need for a #betterMalaysia thought this joint effort.