It turned 15th December 2015 this morning.
And I was reminded by Facebook on some old tweets which went something like this:
I mean, to remember the company’s birthdate is a must (much like how important your loved one’s birthday is to you) but to see it on Facebook’s memories.. Man, that was one heck of a journey!
Yes, I said I would do it. And I did it. And 5 years later…
I can't believe it's been 5 years since was incepted on 15th December 2010, starting with #JayaOne and…
Posted by Christopher Tock on 15hb Disember 2015
Yes we’ve come a long way baby!
The directors and I went to collect the awards a week before knowing that it was probably too early to admit we’re one of the 10 leading social media agencies in Malaysia, but hey, we’ll certainly do our best to live up to the hype!
I mean, who’d knew that I’d be representing Dato’ Lee Chong Wei’s digital account, consulting to the God of Stand Up Comedy in Malaysia Harith Iskander, managing really prestigious brands and serving retainer clients for more than 3 years under the brand name of
Our belief of Connecting Businesses and Communities is truly making an impact, and our clients are beginning to appreciate our foresight especially in the game of stamina in terms of brand recognition and advocacy.
At the same time, who says we can’t reap the fruits we’ve sown over the past 5 years? A dream to own a yacht some day, can? *grin*
Anyhow, thanks to Top 10 Malaysia for the award, and thanks for connecting us with some of the most prestigious network in town.
I mean, it’s not often you get to meet with founders of super successful enterprises like Joe who runs Sangkaya 😉
Anyway happy 5th anniversary to, and may we continue to rise above to raise the industry level for the benefit of businesses and communities!