So I’ve got a great blast from the past recently when a friend of mine Calvin Ngai, who manages his own chain of hotels (woohoo!) got himself a super familiar looking gadget… Can you recognise it below?!
Yeap if you’re born in the 80’s you’d recognise this as a Genius lookalike, or the Nintendo SNES! Man… Now this one cartridge packs over 400 games haha, amazing right?!
This used to be my favourite game! Do you remember the name? Years later, this one is actually pretty boring lol… Which brings me to..
What a super retro intro right haha. If you don’t remember where this game comes from, the next screen should trigger a familiar memory…
Yeap it’s Double Dragon! Almost forgotten all the fancy moves too, like being able to throw the enemy while jumping. The nostalgia!
Aaaaaaah right now I can’t stop playing this game, best with two players too haha! Do you remember the name of this game?!
Finally, the most competitive game ever haha! How far can you go? I got pass the blue monkey if you remember 😁
In any case these are truly THE games to play at that point of time when there weren’t many choices. Twin Bee & Gradius became my favourite ones and I still play until today, one of the best shooter games lol. What was your favourite, do share!