I’m restarting my blog with an achievement worthy of its restart!
Here’s my badge:
So it’s been an amazing few years despite Covid-19.
I got married.
I have a son named Ayden Tock.
I lost my best man as a partner.
I closed down a company.
I suffered like never before.
But in the end, I’m a very different person today from who I was a year ago.
I look forward to more years of discomfort as I find my way to enjoy what the world has to offer me.
While in the process of improving myself so that I may have so much to offer to the world.
Until then, see you in my next post!
He is an avid blogger at Spinzer.uS and lives 24/7 on Twitter by the moniker @spinzer. Left Investment Banking to pursue the unleashing of Malaysian Gen-Y's hidden talents by founding the EYE (Empowering Youth Endeavors) Project. He co-founded the Young Corporate Malaysians and assists RandomAlphabets in his spare time. He plans to build a socially good empire out of his social media consultancy outfit called SocialGrooves.com in a bid to turn the world into a better place by 2020.